Chapter 19

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I pull her to the stairs before she angrily pushes me away. As soon as she's out of my grip, she looks surprised and confused "what was that?" My anger fades and I look down at my hand "I-I-I" I stutter then sigh. I close my eyes as I curl my finger tips to my palm and pull my knuckles to my chest "I don't know" I whisper sadly. I open my eyes to look at her with worry. Seeing so many people staring at me like I'm some kind of animal, tears come to my eyes "what am I?" When she doesn't answer I run up the stairs to my room "Amica," she calls after me, "wait!" I slam the door and lay on my bed as tears stream down my face "what have I done?" After I've stopped crying, I lay staring at my hand and rubbing my thumb over the silver sword marking on my wrist. I hear a knock at the door but don't want to speak until she comes in "hey" she says quietly. "Am I a monster" I ask and look to her when she doesn't respond. She looks at the ground and shakes her head then meets my stare "honestly, I have no idea what you are." Her response doesn't help me feel better and I stare at the pillow for a moment until she continues "but you are no monster." I look at her but can't even force a smile since Her stare says otherwise. "I'm sorry" I whisper "but I can't believe that." She tilts her head "why not?" She just doesn't give up does she? "Because the way you all look at me" I say with a normal volume "like I'm some kind of" I trail of for a minute but come back as tears come to my eyes again "like I'm some kind of freak!" "Am I really that transparent" she asks "maybe you are different, but so is everyone that lives here. We just have to get used to your differences." "'Everyone that lives here'," I quote her "what do you mean?" She sighs like it's pointless to hide it anymore "we call them 'Mavix' after the first little girl who we found had powers. Me."

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