Chapter 3

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Ji-eun arrived at her house at exactly 8pm. She placed Taehyung down in the living room.

"Stay here cutie. I'm going to get a towel to dry you off."

Ji-eun told Taehyung and went upstairs to her room. Taehyung was sitting on the floor, looking around.

She has a nice place. And a nice face. /smirks internally/

Ji-eun came back with a towel on her hand. She was still wet yet she did not mind. All she cares about is the cute little dog which was Taehyung. She wiped him with the towel until his fur dries.

"There. You're all done. Are you hungry?"

Ji-eun asked.

Of course I am lady! Isn't it obvious?

Taehyung barked to signal her that he is hungry.

"Oh you are? Good thing I have dog food hidden in there."

She exclaimed and stood up, going to the kitchen.

What?! Dog foo---Yah lady! I don't eat hard cereals! Yah look here! You wench!

Taehyung barked repeatedly, following her to the kitchen. Ji-eun looked at him and smiled. She took the dog food in the cupboard and poured some in a dog bowl.

"Here you go."

She gently placed the bowl infront of Taehyung. He hissed mentally. He looked at her, more like glared at her but she just smiled and patted his head.

Taehyung growled and pushed the dog bowl away harshly, making the dog food spill on the floor. Ji-eun gasped.

"Don't you like dog food?"

She asked, picking up the dog food one by one.

Stupid girl. A handsome man like me doesn't eat such things! Aish that stupid evil fairy! I'm going to curse her!

Taehyung was mentally flipping the table. He barked at Ji-eun and went to the living room.

Stupid life.

He mentally said.

"Strange. He's the only dog who doesn't like dog food. What does he want? Hmm."

Ji-eun whispered to herself. She shrugged and decided to just make a sandwich. When she was done, she went to the living room and offered Taehyung the sandwich.

He looked up and saw the sandwich.

"I'm sorry cutie. I don't know what you want."

She pouted.

Well, this is much better than a dog food.

Taehyung mentally said. He began to ate the food by picking the sandwich using his paws but to his disappointment, he can't pick it up. Ji-eun looked so confused to what he was doing.

Aish this stupid dog hands! How can I devour this sandwich perfectly and handsomely?!

He questioned mentally. He groaned.

"Silly dog. You eat using your mouth."

Ji-eun shook her head and chuckled. Taehyung tilted his head, confused and annoyed at the same time.

What the heck? I will never eat without using my hands!

Ji-eun sighed. She took the sandwich, breaking it into pieces, trying to give it to Taehyung.

Did you even wash your hands lady? I'm not going to eat that with your germs all over that sandwich!

Taehyung hesitated but Ji-eun was shoving the piece into his mouth, making him eat it.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now