Chapter 13

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Ji-eun looked aghast at the sight. Jungkook was dumbfounded, his eyes following the dog whose off to Ji-eun's room. After Taehyung was gone, he looked down on his shoes and blinked twice.

Not gonna lie but that Timberland shoes are his favorite ones.

Ji-eun hesitantly held Jungkook's arm to apologize. He looked at her fragile hands that were holding him before looking at her.

"O-Oppa. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

She asked, her voice filled with worry. He smiled in reassurance.

"It's alright. These are just shoes."

My favorite Timberland shoes T_T

He said, not mentioning the other half of his sentence. Ji-eun looked at him still in doubt before she yelled 'aha!', giving Jungkook a questioning look.

"I'll be right back, Kookie."

She said before turning around to go up her bedroom while Jungkook was standing there, staring at her in awe.

Ji-eun went inside her room to find Taehyung tucking himself to bed. He looked at Ji-eun before rolling his eyes and dozing off.

"Rude as always."

She muttered, sighed and shook her head. She went infront of her closet and opened it, taking out an oversized sweatpants.

"This will surely fit him."

She smiled. Taehyung who was pretending to be asleep, popped one eye open while looking at Ji-eun.

She's so annoying.

He thought.

Ji-eun held the oversized sweatpants in her hand and went out of the bedroom. Taehyung internally scoffed while glaring at the door.

Soon, the fairy popped out of nowhere, giving Taehyung a fright. He was going to bark but he doesn't want to disturbed two people who are flirting downstairs, namely Jungkook and Ji-eun.

His blood suddenly boiled at the thought.

"You still haven't changed a bit huh?"

The fairy asked, clicking her tongue. Taehyung looked at her, more like glared at her.

This is all your fault.

He groaned. His sharp teeth showing off.

"You know, I can hear what you're thinking."

She said.

Good to know.

He spat with sarcasm in his thoughts. The fairy facepalmed while shaking her head. She looked at him afterwards.

"Taehyung-ssi, this is some serious matter. You only have 90 days."

She said, her voice beginning to get softer.

There's more time. Now leave.

Taehyung thought. She sighed in disappointment.

"I am only here to guide you, Taehyung."

I don't fucking care! Just stay out of my goddamn life!

He growled even louder, standing as firm, his sharp teeth clenching.

"Alright. I'll stay out of your way. But please, there's only 90 don't know what's happening to you in the real world."

She stated as she slowly disappears into bubbles.


What real world? What is that lunatic saying?

He suddenly calmed down but soon, uneasiness covered him up. He was beginning to get nervous. And so he thought...

I don't know what that weird fairy is talking about, but I think I want to change.



Ji-eun gave Jungkook the oversized sweatshirt and a pair of flipflops that surely fits him. Though Jungkook was hesitating at first, Ji-eun insisted. He didn't want to get her upset and besides, she had gone all the way to her room just to get him those things. He rubbed his nape shyly before taking the things on her hands. Jungkook suddenly blushed when their hands brushed. Ji-eun did too.

There was an awkward silence before Jungkook started.

"Umm, may I use your bathroom?"

He asked, looking down, shy to face her, shy to see her beautiful features.

"Of course, Kookie. I'll be here waiting."

That nickname again. It just melts his heart when he hears her calling him that. Sure, he likes his fangirls calling that to him but not as special and lovely to his ears when she speaks it.

He nodded and went to the bathroom to change.

After he got dressed, slipping his flipflops on his feet, he went out only to see her sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"I didn't even know that a goddess exist."

He smiled as he crouched down and stared at her. He moved her fringe from the side and smiled more wider, showing his bunny teeth. After that, he stood up and carried her to her room.

Taehyung who was still deep in thought, didn't notice the two coming in not until someone ruffled his fur, looking up, he saw Jungkook who was smiling.

"I don't know your name though, so I'll just call you doggy."

Jungkook told Taehyung. Taehyung went beside Ji-eun who was already asleep, ignoring Jungkook's presence.

"Good night, Ji-eun. See you in my dreams."

Jungkook said in a low voice, but audible for Taehyung to hear.

See you in my dreams? Seriously? That's so corny. Whatever.

That's when Taehyung heard the door close, knowing that Jungkook's gone, he felt satisfied.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now