Chapter 22

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"I'm so excited guys!"

"Me too!"

"Ji-eun, are you excited to go to Malaysia?"

"Yes! It's my first time to go abroad. I'm really happy!"

"Same here!"


"Taehyung, are you excited?"

Taehyung was looking out the window pane of their van, thinking about this and that.


I wish this curse would be broken.

He heaved a heavy sigh again.


Jungkook poked Taehyung's cheek which made him go back to reality.


He asked, blinking twice.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

Jungkook tilted his head. Taehyung nodded and smiled to assure that he's okay.


The driver stepped on the break real hard which made all of them bounce back on their seats.

"Is everyone okay?"

Jimin asked and everyone nodded in response.

Taehyung opened the door of the van and immediately stepped out.

"Taehyung, what's wrong?"

Ji-eun asked and followed him.

She stopped when she saw Taehyung crouching down. She couldn't see what he was doing because all she sees is his back side.

"There, there. It's okay."

She heard Taehyung said. She went near him and gently held his shoulder and saw what Taehyung was doing.

 She went near him and gently held his shoulder and saw what Taehyung was doing

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(A/N: Lol it's my dog. I let him join the story. His name is Chimchim 😄)

Ji-eun smiled warmly at how Taehyung caressed the dog.

Taehyung oppa has a really warm heart.

"Hey there boy. Where's your owner?"

Ji-eun crouched down to level the dog. The dog was weeping.

"I think he's lost."

Taehyung said and looked at Ji-eun. She nodded worriedly.

"I guess we'll keep him for now until he finds his owner."

Taehyung continued. Ji-eun was a little surprised until she smiled.

"I didn't know you have soft spots for dogs."

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now