Chapter 9

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Ji-eun's face went from smiling face to confused face. She tilted her head while looking at Taehyung with a confused expression.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. He knew that she'll somehow question him or look at him confusedly as to why she has to pretend to be his cousin.

"For some reasons. The guys won't trust random girls working with us."

Taehyung exclaimed and shrugged.

"Why oppa?"

"Why do you keep asking?"

Taehyung ignored her question instead he hissed at her. Ji-eun just smiled innocently.

"That was my only question, oppa. I haven't asked anything yet."

Ji-eun said. Taehyung facepalmed for the girl was right. He sighed.

"Because last year, we hired a make-up artist, turns out she was a sasaeng. That bitch, secretly taking pictures of us half naked and posting them on social media."

Taehyung recalled as he balled his hands into fists, glaring on the plate in front of him.

"Ahh so---"

"Shut it. No more questions. Eat."

He cuts her upcoming question and ordered her to eat. She nodded and smiled, captivating Taehyung with her eye smile. He was stunned for a second until he realized that he was staring at her. He just shook his head, glared at his plate and continued eating.


Ji-eun already finished washing the dishes while Taehyung was comfortably sitting on the couch, playing League of Legends on his phone.

"Oppa, I'm already finished---"

"Great. Now let's go."

Taehyung stood up and pulled her out of the house. She was repeating the words " wait oppa" but Taehyung ignored her. They rode a taxi. Taehyung looked at Ji-eun who was fiddling with her fingers while her head was bobbed down.


Taehyung suddenly asked. Ji-eun raised her head and looked at him.

"No. I just forgot to lock the door."

She responded. Taehyung nodded, looking out the window, not caring about what she said yet deep inside him, there's a tinge feeling of pity for not giving her the chance to lock the door of her house.


Taehyung took out his phone and typed something for Jungkook.

To: Maknae
From: Tae

Bought my cous w/ me. We're near Bighit.

After a few minutes, his phone rang.

To: Tae
From: Maknae

Arasseo hyung. Membs are waiting. Take care.

To: Maknae
From: Tae



Ji-eun and Taehyung arrived at Bighit Ent. Ji-eun was so amazed at how beautiful and big the company is. She kept greeting people that comes in her way, saying her "Hi", "Hello" and "Good Morning"s to them.

They went inside the elevator. Taehyung shoved his hands in his pocket and looked at her boringly while she looked at him happily.

"Can you like, shut up? Stop greeting people like you're some kind of autistic. It's annoying."

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