Chapter 32

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Taehyung heard what Ji-eun and Namjoon talked about that night. He was sure that Ji-eun was talking about herself. But he couldn't get this question out of his mind: Who could be the other guy she's starting to like?

He started thinking and gasped when someone went in his mind.

"What if it's...."

His heart suddenly pounded and it actually hurt. He couldn't let her be with Jungkook. He won't stand back. He'll make a move.

"I only want her to be happy if she's happy with me."

He muttered under his breath. He knows that he's being selfish but heck, he can't follow that saying "Be happy if she's happy with someone". He just can't.
He touched his chest and felt his beating heart. He felt worried, scared even.

What if she falls inlove with Jungkook?

He realized what he just thought and shook his head.

"I'm sorry Jungkook.....but I love Ji-eun."


They all arrived in South Korea at 9AM. They looked very tired but even so, they still walked out the airport with fashion. Fans were waving and taking pictures of them. Screams filled the place until BTS and Ji-eun and Chimchim went in the van.

Taehyung sat beside Ji-eun and smiled at her. This made Ji-eun look at him weirdly.

Someone's in a good mood.

She thought.

The ride all the way was silent. Mimutes passed, Ji-eun was bobbing her head because of sleepiness which made Taehyung snicker at her cuteness.

He held the side of her head and gently leaned it on his shoulder. After that, Taehyung smiled at himself. His heart was beating rapidly.

I hope she doesn't hear my heart beating so fast.

And she didn't, since she was very comfortable to lean on his shoulder. And she was asleep too.

After an hour, the boys went out one by one, holding their baggages. Chimchim wagged his tail and ran inside the dorm. Taehyung gently shook Ji-eun.

"Ji-eun, we're here."

He whispered but his melodious voice made her sleep more as it was so soothing to hear.


She still didn't budge. So there was no choice but to carry her bridal style.

When that happened, Ji-eun suddenly woke up in his arms. They stared at each other and Taehyung gave her the sweetest smile which made Ji-eun's heart flutter.

Oh my god that was cute!

Ji-eun avoided eye contact before her heart bursts out her chest.

"O-Oppa, I'm fine."

She spoke, wiggling through his grip but he tightened his hold onto her.

"Sorry. But I won't let you go."

Ji-eun was flabbergasted by his words which made her speechless, her cheeks tainted with red. She was blushing really hard. What made her heart stop was the way he said it. His voice was so deep and she felt like there was another meaning. But she doesn't want to be delusional.


She heard him say it before lightly chuckling.

Oh Lord.

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