Chapter 12

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"What are you doing here, Ji-eun? Oh wait, don't answer that. That's a stupid question. Of course you're here to buy bubble tea."

Jungkook laughed nervously. He suddenly just can't keep calm. What he felt was so foreign for him. He haven't been nervous to anyone before.

Ji-eun's tensed expression turned into a warm smile. She shook her head.

"I was just on my way home but then I needed to go to the restroom."

Ji-eun explained. She mentally scolded herself because she told the others that Taehyung and her are going shopping.

Oh well, I'll just tell them that we got lazy and Taehyung oppa just went to his parents' house.

Yeah. Yeah that's right.

I am such a liar! T____T FORGIVE ME OPPARS.

Jungkook nodded and smiled back until silence filled them both, not just silence but pure awkwardness. Of course! Standing face to face with your Bias Wrecker is just like you're on cloud nine. And standing face to face with the girl you have fallen for first sight is heart convulsing.


Jungkook started. Ji-eun looked at him while Taehyung rose up from his dog nap, yawning and stretching. Ji-eun gazed at Taehyung and giggled.


She said, patting Taehyung's dog head.

"Your dog?"

Jungkook suddenly asked. Taehyung got so shocked when he saw him crouching down and patting his head too but he just shrugged it off.

Taehyung looked at Ji-eun to signal her that they need to go home. Ji-eun got the signal and cleared her throat to get Jungkook's attention. Jungkook looked up at her and stood up from his crouching position.

"I'm sorry oppa. My dog and I needs to go home already. I still need to cook dinner."

She said, gesturing Taehyung to follow her and so he did. Jungkook was hesitating to say another word but continued with it anyway.


He called her. She turned around and gave him a questioning look. He sighed deeply before jogging to her direction.

"Can I...... *sigh Nevermind."

Jungkook hesitantly said. He wanted to eat dinner at her house, it's just that they only met a while ago. Isn't he a bit obvious? He just wanted to taste what it's like for a girl to cook something for him.

Ji-eun chuckled and shook her head, turning around to walk away.

"Can I eat dinner at your house?"

Jungkook suddenly spoke, fiddling with his hands. Ji-eun stopped on her tracks.

"I mean, I wanted to feel what it's like for someone to cook for me. Ya'know---"

Jungkook reasoned earning a light chuckle from Ji-eun. She faced him and nodded.


Jungkook's nervous facade turned into a smile. She smiled back and avoided her gaze for she was blushing.

Jungkook oppa is so handsome, I can't look at him even for just a second.

Taehyung noticed her. He scoffed mentally, getting upset at her.


I mean, I'm her ultimate bias right?


Tsk forget it! I don't even care that she's blushing at Jungkook who's smiling widely at her. I. DON'T. CARE.

Taehyung groaned, getting impatient at these two.

Jungkook went beside Ji-eun and they shared about themselves, their likes and dislikes, their interests. They were even laughing. On the other hand, Taehyung was just walking, ignoring both, scowling inside. He just wanted to go home and eat.

They arrived at Ji-eun house. Jungkook removed his mask.

"My home isn't much but please feel at home."

Ji-eun told Jungkook. He nodded.

They all went inside and Taehyung ran and jumped on the long couch, wanting all the spaces for himself, not minding that Jungkook has to sit down too. Taehyung closed his eyes to doze off.

Jungkook just chuckled at the dog which was Taehyung. He sat on the small couch next to the long couch. Meanwhile, Ji-eun went to the kitchen and immediately started cooking.

Jungkook was looking around but nothing caught his interest. He wanted to watch Ji-eun to cook. And so, he stood up and went to the kitchen. Taehyung opened his left eye to see that Jungkook was on his way to Ji-eun.

He groaned in anger, like a dog beginning to get aggressive and yet he tried to calm himself because Jungkook is his bestfriend afterall.

Ji-eun is MINE, Jungkook.

Meaning, she's my......assistant. Yeah. My assistant. Nothing more.

He went down on the couch and went to the kitchen too to observe the two. Jungkook was just standing beside her while Ji-eun explains what ingredients she is using to cook the food.

But Jungkook wasn't really listening to her. He was staring at her beautiful features. And that made Taehyung think of an evil idea.

He sneaked at the back of Jungkook's legs. Minutes later, Jungkook felt like his shoes are getting warm and watery? He looked down, gasping.


My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now