Chapter 28

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"T-Taehyung oppa..."

Ji-eun stared at him but Taehyung was glaring at Jimin. Jimin shook his head at Taehyung and gently lets Ji-eun go from his hold. Taehyung was mad that he turned around and walked away.

"Tae, it's not what you think it is!"

Jimin yelled and looked back at Ji-eun who was worriedly looking out the door. Jimin gently patted her shoulder and reassured her with a smile and ran out to follow Taehyung.

Taehyung banged the door shut of his, Jungkook and Jimin's room. He threw himself in the bed and scoffed.


Taehyung was dancing with them while raising his bottle of beer. It was obvious that all of them were drunk. He was still sober. He has a high tolerance for alcohol afterall. He laughed at Suga who kept repeating the word 'Infires' while doing a funny pose when he saw Jimin and Ji-eun walking out of the place.

"Where are they going?"

He muttered to himself but shrugged it off and continued having fun. 

Minutes later, the two weren't back yet and it made Taehyung pause. He looked at the guys and thought about Ji-eun and Jimin being alone. The thought of that made him feel irk so he shook his head. He patted Jungkook's back which made him look at him with sleepy eyes and a smile.

"Jungkook, don't get too drunk and call me later to fetch you."

"Of course hyung!"

He said confidently while patting Taehyung's chest. It was obvious that he's already drunk. Taehyung grunted at the younger one.

"Shut up. Just stay here. I'll be right back."

"Of course hyung!"

He retorted again with a chuckle and drowsy eyes. Taehyung then went out to go back to the hotel.

He arrived inside and asked the front desk agent if Jimin was with Ji-eun. The front desk agent nodded with a smile and told him that they went up. Taehyung thanked her and headed inside the elevator.

He pressed the number 4 button for the fourth floor. 

After a minute or two, the elevator opened and he went out. He went to their room but they weren't there. Thoughts were flooding in his mind that it's making him mad. He sighed heavily and stomped his way to Ji-eun's room.

And there, at that moment.........

He saw Jimin staring at her while holding her tight in his arms.

"What are you doing?"

He questioned.


He sat up the bed and covered his face when he heard someone walk in. He heard footsteps until it stopped, realizing that the person was already in front of him, he looked up.


Jimin said.


His question didn't come out as a question but more like a statement.

"It was not what you think it is."

"I know."

Taehyung answered back. He sighed.

"Then why are you getting ma---"

"Because you're holding her and.....and I could see the way you looked at her!"

Taehyung cuts Jimin's sentence. Jimin looked at him with an unreadable expression. It was true. Jimin likes Ji-eun.........a lot. 

"I'm sorry Taehyung. But you know that I can't stop liking her with just a blink of an eye."

Jimin exclaimed.

"I don't like you guys being close to her. annoys me."

Taehyung looked down and calmly stated.

"Tae, aren't you being selfish? She's.....not yours."

Jimin said while intently looking at him. Those last words spoken by Jimin made Taehyung's heart felt like being punched. He was right. Ji-eun wasn't his. But he wanted to be selfish. He wanted her to be happy only with him. He looked up at Jimin who's looking back at him.

"You're right. She's not mine. But she won't be yours either."

Jimin's eyebrows were raised. He was a bit taken aback by Taehyung's words.

"Look Tae, I'm not even expecting her to like me back and I'm trying my best to set aside my feelings.......but I'll step back......because you're my brother. And I choose family."

Jimin explained. Taehyung smiled warmly at him.

"Thanks bro."

Taehyung said. Jimin smiled back.

"No problem. We good?"

Jimin asked and Taehyung jokingly punched his arm with a chuckle.

The drunk guys safely got home and were already inside their rooms. They all rode the public bus. It was midnight so they are the only ones inside and now they were all snoring in their rooms. As for Jungkook, he was standing outside their room, eavesdropping.

"So Ji-eun's not his cousin."

Jungkook's heart dropped. Knowing that Ji-eun wasn't Taehyung's cousin made him feel like he already lost. But no, he's not going to give up easily. He sighed and opened the door.

"Oh Jungkook. You're here?"

Jimin asked.


He answered and then silence filled up the room.

"So she's not your cousin........and you knew."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and to Jimin then he let out a non-humorous chuckle.

"I feel left out."

He continued and scoffed. He went to his bed and plopped down before closing his eyes. Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other with guilt etched on their faces.

"I like her too."

Jungkook spoke one last time before completely sleeping. 

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