Chapter 1

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"Ssak da bultaeweora! Bow wow wow!"

Lee Ji-eun sang her ultimate bias' lines. She had been watching and fangirling over her favorite boyband for the nth time. She has been eyeing her ultimate bias, clasping her hands, eyes sparkling, puking rainbows.

Her bias? KIM TAEHYUNG. Yes, she's been drooling and staring at him, gawking at his extravagant dance moves followed by the beat of her heart, admiring his facial features.


She felt all giddy inside just by gaping at him on her laptop screen. After the song has ended, she closed her laptop, stopping herself from having a fangirl breakdown. She cannot contain her feels anymore. She needs other kpop fangirl to let out her feels. Grabbing her phone, she called her closest friend slash Jungkook stan, named as Mia. After two rings, she picked up.

"Did you see 'Fire' MV? Goodness I'm infired! What is air?"

Ji-eun started her highpitched voice. She was having a fierce head shaking as if in the midst of seizure.

"Yeah. I choked on my own saliva when I saw Jungkook kissing his fingers. Gosh!"

Mia, on the other line, said while squealing.

"Where can I find such faces that were carved perfectly by Gods? Goodness!"

"They are from the lost planet of perfection. We can't find that planet."

Both squealed again, letting out their fangirl feels.

"They're so awesome Mia! How I wish I could meet Taehyung one day. HAHAHA! Their songs are so addicting though."

Ji-eun laid down, smiling and kicking the air.

"Because once you Bangtan-in, you can't Bangtan-out."

Mia retorted, causing both to cackle.

"Hey, I'm going to hang up now. There's classes tomorrow you know."

Mia said, making Ji-eun sigh.

"I know, I know. Why can't education be all about KPOP? Geez! Anyway, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Bye."

Mia then hung up. Ji-eun smiled. She looked at her phone to look at the time. She gasped.

"12:03 am? Goodness! I need to sleep!"

She looked at the time where Taehyung's posters are located. She took her pillow and drowned herself from the softness of it, giggling like a crazy retard. She gazed at her laptop, opening her twitter account, spazzing about BTS and how they melt her fangirl heart with awesomeness, forgetting the fact that there's classes on the next day.


"And that's a wrap! Great job guys!"

The director of the new upcoming music video of BTS spoke. The crews and the staffs clapped their hands. The members bowed repeatedly and told everyone they did a great job.

Once everyone was out, the sweet smiling Taehyung turned into a cold guy. He rolled his eyes and scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Where's the freaking van?"

"Manager hyung said he'll be here in 5 minutes."

Jimin answered.

"I don't even like waiting. Tsk whatever. I'm going out to get some fresh air. The smell of the atmosphere here is so......uncongenial."

He went out and took a cigarette stick on his pocket. Nobody knows he smokes. And if somebody will know, then who the heck cares?

He was about to light it up when a dog slowly walked to his direction. It seemed lost and hungry.

"Shoo you filthy creature!"

He shooed the dog but to his dismay, it sat infront of him, it's eyes pleading for an important necessity, food. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. He lit the cigarette and threw it to the dog, making it run and cry in pain.

"Stupid hideous animal. Aish! That was my last stick! Ugh I hate dogs. Seriously."

He ruffled his hair and stomped his foot in annoyance.

"Taehyung, van's here. Let's go."

He heard someone speak. He turned around and saw Jungkook. He nodded and followed.

Once they were all in the van, the members started laughing and hitting each other while Taehyung was at the side, glaring outside the window pane.

"Hey Taehy---"

"Don't talk to me. I'm annoyed."

J-hope was cut off when Taehyung suddenly spoke, still glaring outside the window pane.

"Thug life."

Suga said, making everyone, except for Taehyung, to look at him and nod. There was a long silence until Jin spoke.

"Hey! Who wants to help me cook dinner later?"

No one was listening to his question. Silence was filling the atmosphere. Only the sounds of crickets can be heard.

"Then I guess I'll just cook for myself then."

Jin said, staring outside the window pane. Until all of them raised their hands, even Taehyung. Jin looked at them boringly.

"Put your arms down, it's stinking inside this airconditioned vehicle."

"We're here!"

Namjoon said. One by one, they went out the van and inside their dorm. The manager went home after.

The boys freshen up and took a shower. After they were dressed, they went in the kitchen to help the older one cook and prepare the table.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now