Chapter 11

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They all asked her, surprised by her sudden change of mind.

"Excuse me. Every girl dreams of being our assistant and you're just what? Turning it down? Are you crazy or just plain stupid?"

Taehyung scoffed. There's just a part of him that he wants Ji-eun to be their assistant.

Of course. I want to annoy her everyday. She should accept that freaking offer of mine or else.

"That's rude Kim Taehyung."

Jin suddenly spoke, glaring at Taehyung.

"Can't you even respect a girl?"

Jungkook questioned him, looking somewhat annoyed.

What the hell's wrong with him? He's not the one I'm annoying. Dafuq.

"Ji-eun, are you really going to turn down our offer? Aren't you going to change your mind?"

Jimin asked her who looked back at him, blinking twice then suddenly bursted out laughing.

"I can't believe you all fell for that."

Ji-eun was clutching her stomach, while the guys sighed in relief.

"I thought you were serious there. Nice one Ji-eun!"

Jimin raised his hand for her to high five and she did. Both of them chuckled, until the others followed except for the one and only Taehyung who was eyeing Jimin and Ji-eun getting along with each other. He crossed his arms and scoffed.

They don't even look good together.

He thought before rolling his eyes. When they were all done laughing, they all faced Taehyung.

"Are you all done laughing?"

He asked rudely. But to his dismay, they laughed again, really hard this time that the others are already rolling on the floor.


Taehyung muttered. He gazed and began staring at Ji-eun who was laughing and pointing at Suga who was rolling on the floor.


He thought. But then, he suddenly realized what his mind said. His nose scrunched in disgust.

What am I thinking? She's not beautiful!


"Taehyung oppa!"

He heard Ji-eun called her. His heart suddenly skipped a beat so he just cleared his throat to ignore his heart. He looked at Ji-eun boringly. She was gesturing him to come near her.

Taehyung walked to her side and mouthed a 'what' before turning his sight to the members who were now playing rock paper scissors.

"Let's play with them. Come on."

She said with excitement in her voice.

"I don't want to."

Taehyung blunted.

"Okay then."

Ji-eun said, who was about to go to the others but was stopped when Taehyung suddenly spoke.

"Did I just say that I don't want to? I meant I want to."

He said, clearing his throat. Ji-eun looked at him and smiled. Taehyung was stunned once again at her beauty.

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