Chapter 23

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"Arrrghh what's that noise?!"

Yoongi yelled while his eyes were half opened. He groaned and covered his head with a pillow.



Jin was marching outside their rooms while BANGING A PAN WITH A LADLE.

One by one, everyone went out their rooms. Ji-eun slept at Jin's room while Jin slept on the couch in the living room. They all went out with sleepy faces. Some were walking while their eyes were closed, while some were groaning and glaring at Jin. *cough YOONGI *cough

"Aww Ji-eun you're so cuuuute when you're half asleep~"

Jin pinched Ji-eun's cheeks causing her to blink twice and blush.

"Yah! It's breakfast time, not flirting time."

Taehyung scoffed and proceeded to his seat.

"Tsk as always, you're a bitch."

Jin responded and rolled his eyes. Taehyung ignored him and started eating breakfast.

"Oh yeah, where's the dog by the way?"

Taehyung suddenly asked.

"He's still sleeping."

Jimin answered. Taehyung nodded.

"Come on guys, let's eat up. Our departure is at 8 am."

Namjoon said. Everyone went to their seats and started to dig in.

[20 Minutes Later]

"Sooo, who's gonna wash the dishes?"

Jhope asked.

"I'll wash the dishes."

Ji-eun raised her hand but everyone ignored her.

"Let's play rock, paper, scissors!"

Jungkook said, raising his fist. Everyone agreed.

In the end, Ji-eun was the one fated to wash the dishes with Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled at Ji-eun and she smiled back then averted their eyes.

They went to the kitchen sink and started washing the dishes. The sounds of the clanking plates and utensils can only be heard.

Both of them were still awkward because of the hug last night.

Minutes later, when they were done, Taehyung cleared his throat and exhaled. Ji-eun suddenly faced him and looked in his eyes.


She called him even if he's already staring at her. Taehyung cleared his throat once again.


"I feel awkward."

"Me too."

They retorted quite fast and everything went silent again. They both avoided eye contact at the same time.

"I-I don't want to be awkward."

"Y-Yes. Let's not be awkward."

They looked at each other again but they didn't know what they were going to say anymore so they both smiled awkwardly and ran as fast to their own rooms. (Ji-eun's still using Jin's room)

Taehyung shuts his door hard and leans his back on the door while clutching his chest.

"What the heck is wrong with me?"

[2 Hours Later]

Everyone went out their rooms, groomed and ready to go. The dog has his new collar and he's wagging his tail.

"He's happy."

Taehyung said while smiling ear to ear. Ji-eun was staring at him which made her mouth agape because of his rectangular smile which she adores so much.

"Guys and girl and dog, the van is here! Airport, here we go!"

Namjoon said excitedly.

Everyone placed their baggages at the backseat. Ji-eun was about to place her heavy baggage inside when a strong manly arm helped her get it in. She looked up and saw Jungkook.


He said while smiling widely that it made Ji-eun smile too. She ruffled his hair and chuckled.

"Aigoo, my Jungkookie is so manly."

Jungkook's face would clearly be as red as a tomato by now. He laughed awkwardly, rubbed his nape and cleared his throat.

"Uhm, l-let's go in now, shall we?"

Jungkook stuttered and cursed himself in his head. Ji-eun smiled and went in the van. Jungkook took a deep breath and looked up the sky.

"Control your feelings, Jeon Jungkook."

He reminded himself and went in the van. Jimin heard him who was at the side of the van and sighed.

"I hope we won't fight just because of a girl."

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now