Chapter 5

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Taehyung was left alone in his room, sighing in frustration. He was looking at his wall clock which points at 4:48pm.

Shit. I only have 12 minutes remaining before I change into an animal again.

He cursed under his breath and stood up, leaving his room. He went down, seeing all his members in the living room, watching some anime. Taehyung stood in front of the TV, his hands inside his pockets, glaring at all of them.

"Yah! Get out of there."

Jin said, obviously annoyed by Taehyung's action. On the contrary, Taehyung didn't even move a muscle, he was eyeing them.

"What do you want now?"

Suga monotonously asked, his eyebrow cocked up. Taehyung too, cocked an eyebrow at him and shrugged.

"Yah if you don't have anything to say, please leave. You're messing up the view."

Rapmonster stated.

"I am the view."

Taehyung shortly stated making everyone stiffle a laugh.

"Okay. That's funny Tae. Now move."

Jimin stood up and went to Taehyung, pushing him aside. He smiled satisfyingly with what he had done, earning a scoff from Taehyung. Jimin shortly chuckled and went back to his seat.


Taehyung said. He looked at his wrist WITHOUT a watch and headed in front of the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

He said yet no one was listening. He rolled his eyes.

"Jungkook, I'm going."

He yelled. Jungkook gestured him to go, still not looking his way because he was so focused on what he was watching.


Taehyung arrogantly said, immediately leaving the place.

He strolled down the street, feeling the cool breeze touching his skin. He sighed and took out his phone to look at the time.


He furrowed his eyebrows and grunted at his phone, almost throwing it to the ground but was stopped when the fairy popped out of nowhere.

"Uh, uh, uh. Being an asshole again aren't you?"

She said, gesturing her pointer from left to right and her hand in her hip, with a mischievous smile etched on her face.

"What do you want beast?"

He raised his voice, earning a cheeky smile from her.

"I'm here to remind you that there are change of plans."

She exclaimed, causing Taehyung to be flabbergasted but he didn't show it, instead he just eyed her intimidatingly.

"You will have 100 days to change your hideous attitude. You shouldn't pretend to be good, you should be sincerely good."

"And if I don't want to be a good guy within 100 days?"

"Then you'll remain as a dog for the rest of your life. Easy as that."

She explained, chuckling. Taehyung clenched his teeth and closed his eyes to relax himself from his anger problem.

"Tell me you're kidding."

He demanded her but she just shook her head.

"Good luck!"

She said and poofed out into bubbles. And Taehyung's transformation began. He quickly went inside the shop which was behind him and got into the restroom. He was a cute little dog again. He groaned. He saw his phone on the floor and was going to pick it using his hand or should I say, paw. But to his dismay, he can't grab it.

The hell? How am I supposed to carry my phone?

Suddenly, someone came inside the restroom. It was Ji-eun. She was shocked to see him, but she just smiled shyly at him.

"T-Taehyung oppa?"

She asked, pointing at Taehyung the dog.

Yeah woman. It's me! Now get my precious phone and bring me to your house.

Taehyung kept barking at her but she can't understand what he's talking about.

"I'm sorry oppa, I can't understand."

She giggled, making him groan. He patted his phone using his right paw and looked at her after.

"Oh! Oh I know this one! You want to get my number!"


Crazy woman! Common sense! Even an 8 year old kid can distinguish what I'm showing you!

Taehyung shook his dog head and patted the phone again.

"Ah! You want to have a new phone?"

She happily asked. Taehyung was getting impatient.

Why are you so dumb?!

He pushed his phone using his nose to Ji-eun and looked at her boringly.

"Ohhh, is this your phone? You want me to keep this for the meantime?"

She asked, taking the phone from the floor.


Taehyung barked to tell her that she's right. She smiled and patted his head.

"Sooo, you want to go to my house?"

She asked awkwardly.

What's up with her? Well duh, where else will I stay? At the dorm, to let my members know the truth and to be a dog forever? Cool!

So not cool.

Taehyung barked. Ji-eun carried him in her arms and caressed his fur.

"But first, I'm going to buy bubble tea. You want some? But I don't know, you're a human who's in a dog's body, I don't know."

She exclaimed.

Woman! Can you shut your trap for like, forever?

He can't do anything but to roll his eyes and scoff internally.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now