Chapter 29

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It's their 3rd day of vacation in Kota Kinabalu. The boys, Chimchim and Ji-eun were having fun outside, near the beach.

Jimin was wearing sunglasses and recording a video of himself for the fans.

"Guys, this is Manukan Island of Kota Kinabalu."

Lying lazily on a hammock, Jimin introduces Manukan Island.

"Wow this is amazing! Let's capture this on camera."

He changed the front camera to back camera and took a video of the crystal clear sea and all the stunning view while swaying on the hammock.

"Jesus, this is fine!"

He yelled happily while heaving a relaxing sigh.

"Jeez, a tall tree!"

He uttered while focusing his videocam to a palm tree.

"A fine weather!"

He spoke like a happy lil kid while focusing his videocam to the sky. Then he focused the videocam to the sea.

"The sea is great, I'm great, let's sleep!"

He turned his back camera to front camera and captured himself swaying and laughing alone.

"Hush, little baby. Don't you cry~"

He started singing a lullaby while smiling at the videocam.

"In here, I think my tone is more relaxed."

He stood up the hammock and fixed his sunglasses.

"Jeez, the weather is fine, the sea is fine and the barbeque is fine."

He continued.

Taehyung and Ji-eun were relaxing, lying down a beach chair (The foldable one, idk what it's really called lol), along with Chimchim which was lying down the sand. They were both holding a glass of lemonade.

Taehyung raised his glass and looked at Ji-eun.


He said, waiting for her to do the same.


She said and raised her glass. They both drank their lemonade happily.


Taehyung called her. She hummed as a response while looking directly at the beach, sipping on her lemonade.

"Sorry for getting mad last night."

Taehyung said quickly and lowly which was inaudible for Ji-eun to hear.

"What oppa?"

She pardoned.

"I said.....I'm sorry."

Taehyung cleared his throat and sipped quickly on his lemonade. Ji-eun looked at him.

"For what oppa?"

" getting mad um last night."

Taehyung rubbed his nape while awkwardly smiling.

What the fucc Taehyung? Why are you acting like this again?

He scolded himself. Ji-eun smiled at him and nodded.

"It's alright oppa. I'd also get mad if I was in your state."

Ji-eun looked back at the beach while Taehyung still stared at her.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now