Chapter 10

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It was Taehyung's time to introduce. He stepped forward and looked at Ji-eun with a blank expression. The others were anticipating for his introduction.

"Tsk. You already know who I am."

He exclaimed in irritation as he went back to his position.

Ji-eun looked at Taehyung and her smile went wider.

My Taehyungie oppa is so hot when his expression is so serious.

She thought. She realized that she had been staring at him for so long that the others cleared their throat to catch her attention.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry. Anyway, I already know you all. That's very cute of you to introduce yourselves formally."

She explained. The six of them smiled and stared at her adorable figure.

"Woah, you already know us? Awesome!"

Rapmonster was amazed, the others nodded their heads.

"Yes oppa. I'm an ARMY."

She said.

"That's great Ji-eun. Thank you for being our fan."

Hoseok said cheerfully.

"Oh by the way Ji-eun, belated happy birthday! I heard that it was your birthday yesterday so..."

Jungkook shyly told her, rubbing his nape, his face red.

Taehyung facepalmed. He felt embarassed for telling that to Jungkook when it was all a lie.

"How'd you know?"

Ji-eun gasped and clasped her hands.

"Taetae hyung told me."

Jungkook responded, smiling and showing his bunny tooth. Taehyung's eyes went wide, wider than the sea.


Her birthday was really yesterday?!


"Omo! Thank you so much Jungkookie!"

Ji-eun happily showed her gratitude to Jungkook by bowing 90°. Jungkook waved his hands, telling her that she shouldn't bow at him whilst his face turning red again. The others greeted her too and hugged her, Taehyung sensed that Ji-eun's being in an uncomfortable state, he went in between, shoving the members who keeps on hugging her.


"Aish! I thought I brought you here to hire you as our assistant not ME being your bodyguard."

Taehyung yelled at her the moment they went out. Taehyung pulled Ji-eun with him outside. Taehyung was really pissed off. He doesn't know to whom; to Ji-eun who's making him her bodyguard or to the members that keeps on being so clingy with her?

And look what Ji-eun did to Jungkook. He's getting all shy in front of her. What is Jungkook doing?! And he's blushing? That's not the Jungkook I knew.

And also Jimin, he looks like a freaking pervert. The way Jimin kisses Ji-eun's hand is uggh disgusting!

Let's also add up Jin hyung. Oh my goodness I haven't seen that clingy side of him, telling her to marry him? Seriously?

Why am I even part of one of that group?

"I'm so sorry Taehyungie. I'm just so uncomfortable. I haven't been around guys before."

Ji-eun bobbed her head down, her voice cracking, almost like she's near from crying. Taehyung sighed and held his temples to calm himself.

"Alright. Let's go in."

Taehyung placed his hands inside his pockets and turned around to go inside the practice room, Ji-eun tailing behind him.

As soon as they got inside, the members looked at their direction. Mostly, they glared at Taehyung's presence.


He was asking but it turns out that his question turned into a cold statement.

"Nothing Mr. Kim Taehyung. Nothing's wrong when WE'RE happily greeting her and YOU just pull her out of our hugs just like that."

Jin sarcastically exclaimed, crossing his arms.

"It isn't my fault that you're too clingy with MY cousin."

Taehyung barked back, crossing his arms too.

"You rude little piece---"

"Woah, woah, woah. Easy guys!"

Jimin went between the two and stretched his arms to stop them from doing something violent.

"I'm so sorry. But.........

I think I need to turn down the offer."

Ji-eun suddenly spoke. There was pure silence until all of them faced her with their shocked expressions.


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