Chapter 4

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It was Saturday, everyone's favorite day. The birds were chirping and the ray of the sun touches their skin.

Ji-eun slowly opened her eyes, seeing Taehyung who was now in his human form, fast asleep, was a beautiful dream for her.

I might not wake up anymore because everything I want is right here beside me. This is such a wonderful dream.

Or so she thought.

She thought it's a dream. She smiled. She observed his face, how he still look so handsome even when sleeping, makes her heart beat exaggerately.

Taehyung was naked. Thankfully, his bottom part was covered in blanket.

This is a sinful dream. I am seeing a topless Taehyung.

Ji-eun giggled lightly which caused Taehyung to awaken, causing his eyes to widen. He yelled and pushed himself off the bed, landing on the floor, covering his whole being with a blanket.


Taehyung screamed, pointing at Ji-eun.

Ji-eun chuckled.

This is such a funny dream. Why would a girl be a rapist?

"Y-You, lady. Why are you laughing?"

Taehyung questioned, still clutching onto the blanket tightly.

"I didn't know my Taehyung has a hot body. This is such a sinful dream. Hahaha!"

She cackled at herself, gawking at him, leaving Taehyung dumbfounded.

"Wait. You think this is a dream?!"

Taehyung screamed, making Ji-eun smile. His scream was music to her ears. She nodded.

"Yes. This is a heaven-like dream."

She said. Taehyung slowly walked over her and pinched her, making her cringe in pain.

"Owwwww! What was that----"

She yelled but was cut off when she realized that everything is real. Taehyung tried to cross his arms but failed because the blanket might wear off so he just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Now, is everything still a dream for you?"

Taehyung asked monotonously. Her eyes widened and her breathing shortened. She just can't believe it. The Kim Taehyung is in her house, in her room, undressed!

"Who---What-----When----Where----Why----How? Where's the little doggy?"

Ji-eun asked, surprised.

"I'll explain later. Now get me clothes!"

Taehyung ordered her, making her jolt up in her bed, immediately going to her closet. She took a sweatpants that was too big for her and her oversized t-shirt.

"That? Is that even a clothing?"

Taehyung complained. Ji-eun sighed.

"Are you going to wear these or run around in that blanket?"

She asked, a little bit annoyed. She did not know that his personality is like that. His personality is so far from his face. Taehyung glared but snatched the clothes in her hands anyway.

He went inside the bathroom and changed. After 5 minutes, he went out but Ji-eun was out of sight.

Where did that woman go?

He went out the bedroom, leaving the door opened and went down, seeing her inside the kitchen, cooking.

He was about to explain everything to her when he realized that his phone wasn't with him and that makes his members more worried.


He went out the house and immediately rode a taxi.

Ji-eun heard the door shut. She felt lonely all of a sudden.

"I even made you a special breakfast."

She sighed and ate the breakfast that she made just for him, all alone in the dining table.

"I thought he would explain everything to me. I guess he forgot."


Taehyung arrived after 20 minutes and busted the door open.



"Where did you go?"

"We were so worried!"

"We thought you were kidnapped by some sasaengs."

"Well, I thought the cherry blossom tree hogged you all up."

The members showered him with worried statements except for Suga, who was the last one to speak. They all looked at him with their what-the-hell looks. He just shrugged.

"Told you he'd be back."

Suga exclaimed, smirking and leaving the scene to go to his bedroom to sleep.

"Oooookay, now let's get back to Taehyung. Why are you wearing sweatpants?"

Jin said. They looked at him, waiting for his explanation but words didn't come out to his mouth. He smirked.

"Good to know that you're all worried about me."

He said, leaving them all confused. He went to his room to take a shower.

After 30 minutes, he went out and was surprised to see Jungkook sitting on his bed, glaring at him.

"Mind explaining?"

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed.



".........if you tell, you're going to be a dog forever........."


"I went to my Mom."

He shortly stated, getting a towel, drying his wet hair. Jungkook nodded slowly, still suspicious.

"What about your phone? Why was it left under the cherry blossom tree?"

Jungkook asked.

"It must've fallen out my pocket."

Taehyung said, trying to sound seriously. Jungkook bought his explanation amd sighed. He smiled and stood up, patting his shoulder.

"We were all worried. We thought you were attacked by those crazy fangirls out there."

Jungkook said, earning a smile from Taehyung.

"Don't worry."

Taehyung reassured Jungkook by ruffling his hair. Jungkook is his bestfriend, he is the only one who sees this side of him. Jungkook punched his arm lightly before going out, making both chuckle.

Taehyung layed down his bed and thought for awhile.

"I'll explain to her when I get back there, which I hardly don't want to."

He exhaled deeply,groaning and throwing his pillow harshly to the ground.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now