Chapter 17

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Although Taehyung felt very anxious, he hid the feeling by looking very calm like nothing's gonna happen.

Taehyung gently patted Jungkook's back to catch his attention.

"Well, I gotta go fetch my ugly cousin."

By the mention of those words, Jungkook's eyes lit up.

"Can I come?"



Jungkook cutely pouted while Taehyung smiled and ruffled his hair.

You silly kid.

"I'll get going now."

"Take care hyung. Bring her home safely."

Taehyung nodded as he turns his back to leave the set.

When he's already out of sight, he immediately ran inside the men's restroom as he struggles to find a clean cubicle. He can already feel his butt beginning to grow a tail.

He went to the very last cubicle as he transforms into a dog again.

Taehyung went out with a scowl on his face. He's still not used to this transformation thing and it's making him feel annoyed.

He walked out of the restroom and began walking to Ji-eun's school.


The walk was relaxing as the cool breeze touches Taehyung's fur until he realizes that he's already meters away from Ji-eun's school.

At the waiting shed stood Ji-eun as she fidgets with her hands while waiting for Taehyung.

She's been waiting for me.

Taehyung mentally smiled like an idiot and shook it off when he realized. He exhaled deeply before walking towards her.


Taehyung barked to signal her. She looked everywhere to find him until her eyes landed on the cutie Taehyung dog standing in front of her, his tail wagging happily.


She smiled, showing her crescent eye smile. Taehyung's tail stopped wiggling, his head tilting as his stare pierces her soul.

Why am I feeling like this?

Taehyung thought.

Why does she look so beautiful?

There are only two options why my heart is like this. It's either I got so tired walking or I have feelings----


Hah! Puhlease. I am Kim Taehyung.

"Oppa, what's wrong? Helloooo? Earth to Taehyung-ssi."

Ji-eun kept waving her hand in front of Taehyung's face as he finally shakes his head and barked.

"Oh congrats! You're back to earth."

And you're back to being an annoying sarcastic shit.

Taehyung rolled his eyes but still his smile lingers on his lips. His tail continued wagging as he looks at her and barked again.

"Okay. Let's go home oppa."

Taehyung barked and the two of them started walking together side by side.


"Aigoo I'm so tiiiired!"

Ji-eun shrieked while stretching her arms the moment they got inside her house. Taehyung went to the couch and lied down.

"Oppa, are you hungry?"

Ji-eun asked. Taehyung barked.


"Okay. I'll just make toasted bread with tomato and cheese."

Taehyung ignored her and closed his eyes to take a nap while Ji-eun chuckled and went to the kitchen to prepare food.


Taehyung was in a dark place. He was hearing someone giggling. It was a kid giggling. He looked at his side but it was no use. All he could see was pure black.


The person stopped giggling.

"Is anyone there?"

Taehyung asked but it was to no avail. All he could hear now was a deafening silence.

"Ji-eun? Are you there?"


Taehyung's heart quickened. He gasped. It couldn't be. He knows that voice. It's the voice of the person he loved so dearly.


And there, at that moment, he could see a silhouette. A light around that person.


Taejun smiled at him warmly and ran to his brother's arms. Taehyung's eyes were shut as tears threatened to escape his eyes.

"I missed you so much little bro."



"Love loving and hate hating. Hence, you will be loved."

Taehyung lets go of his hug and looked at his brother who still looks the same as before when he was still alive.

"Yes dongsaeng. I promise."

Taehyung smiled at his brother while he wipes off his tears. Taejun smiled back.



Taehyung's expression turned to confusion when Taejun's voice changed into a feminine one.

"Wake up."




Taehyung's eyes fluttered open as he looks at his surroundings.

It was a dream.

"Oppa, are you okay? Are you having a nightmare? I heard you crying."

It wasn't a nightmare. It was my last farewell to my little brother.

"Oh by the way oppa, your food is ready."

Ji-eun took the plate and placed it infront of Taehyung which was sitted on the couch.

Taehyung began eating while Ji-eun stared at him.

"You know oppa, everything you do is very cute."

Of course! I'm Kim Taehyung afterall. This face, not this dog face, the original handsome face, can be so fatal that some girls die when they see me. It's called femme fatal.

"Oh yeah. How was your taping? Did you do well?"

I did great duhhh! 

"And Jungkook oppa, how is he?"

Taehyung paused eating. He felt weird. He felt somehow irked at the thought of Jungkook crossing Ji-eun's mind.

Why do I even care? I don't care. I don't care that I'm not the only one on Ji-eun's mind. Who the hell CARES if Jungkook's on her mind?

I DO. Ugh freaking heck!

Taehyung ignored Ji-eun's question and continued to dig on his food.

After 10 minutes, Taehyung was done eating. Ji-eun washed the dishes and when she was all done, both of them went to her room to get ready for sleep.

Ji-eun layed down, hugging her fluffy pillow while Taehyung lays down beside her.

"Good night oppa."

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now