Chapter 8

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Jungkook and Taehyung went on and on about the practice until it was 4 in the afternoon.


Taehyung cursed under his breath which made Jungkook look at him.

"Did you say something hyung?"

Jungkook asked. Taehyung shook his head and averted his gaze. He looked at the wall clock which was hung on the wall and mentally facepalmed.

I got to go.

"Jungkook, let's continue the practice later on. I need to go."

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to sleep in the dorm?"

Jungkook asked. Taehyung shook his head, his face filled with seriousness, though his insides are squirming from nervousness.

He looked at the time again.



"I'm going to my cousin's house to ask her if she wants the job."

Taehyung lied. He felt bad for lying so he just averted his gaze immediately.

Jungkook didn't feel like he was telling the truth but he just shrugged it off and nodded.

"Okay. Let's go out together hyung."

Jungkook and Taehyung took their masks, putting them on and making their way out.

"By the way, I'm going to sleep there."

Taehyung said which made Jungkook be in doubt.


He answered.

"You can go without me maknae. I really need to get there immediately. It's also her birthday. I want to surprise her."

Taehyung thought of sentences to make Jungkook nod his head and release him which to his luck, he did.

"Alright. I'll just tell the hyungs about that."

Jungkook exclaimed and smiled, earning a smile back and a pat on the shoulder from Taehyung.

"Thanks bro. Anyway, what time is it?"

He asked, getting nervous which he never have felt.

Jungkook looked at his wristwatch ang looked back at Taehyung.



Oh shit!

"Okay. I need to go. Bye!"

Taehyung turned around and started running fast. Jungkook shook his head and laughed at his hyungs actions.

He is a cold person outside but a very warm person on the inside.

He smiled and turned around to walk to the dorm.


Taehyung arrived at Ji-eun's house. He turned the knob and was glad that it was unlocked. He went in and sat down on the couch exhaustedly.

He saw Ji-eun walking down the stairs with her pink dress and boy does it look good on her! He stared at her, lost in trance for a minute or two until Ji-eun noticed him and smiled. He blinked twice and cleared his throat.


Taehyung yelled and glared at her.

"Omo! Taehyung oppa. You look so tired but dang you look so fine!"

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