Chapter 7

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The six guys were just staring at him, piercing his soul and the only words that's on Taehyung's mind is.....

I'm screwed.


He asked nonchalantly, hiding the feeling of guilt.

"Wow. 'What?' Really dude?"

Jimin scoffed, feeling irritated.

"You know you've got a lot of explaining to do. And you better start practicing!"

Rapmon pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Arasseo. I'm going to the dance room."

Taehyung coldly answered and turned around to leave. He bit his lower lip and changed his face into a pitiful one. He felt sorry because he should never tell them his curse even though he really wanted to.

"Jungkook, you should go with him and teach him the steps."

Rapmon ordered Jungkook. He gestured him an 'okay' sign and went out to follow Taehyung.

Jungkook saw Taehyung walking meters from him. He sighed and ran towards him.

"Hyung! Wait up!"

He yelled, causing Taehyung to turn around.

"Oh, why are you here?"

Taehyung asked.

"Do you know the steps?"

Jungkook asked back, smiling.


"That's why I'm here hyung. Let's go!"


They arrived at the practice room. Jungkook turned on the audio and started teaching Taehyung the moves.

"Yeah. That's right hyung. You got it!"

Taehyung mastered the steps for about 4 rounds and the duo danced and danced until it came out perfectly.

"I need waterrrrrr."

Jungkook whined, wiping his sweat with a towel.

"Wait here. I'll buy us some."

Taehyung spoke as Jungkook nodded. He stood up and wore his mask for him to get unnoticed by the fans. He went to the convenience store and immediately went to the refrigerator to get some water.

He paid for it and went out to go back to the dance room. He was checking how many water bottles were in the plastic bag when he had bumped someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm---"

He stopped apologizing the moment he caught a glimpse of the person in front of him.

"You! Are you stalking me?"

He pointed at Ji-eun that was looking confused right now.

"Uhh who are you?"

She asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh no don't act like you don't know me. It's me woman!"

He lifted his mask and Ji-eun was mesmerized that you could see her eyes sparkle the moment her idol removed his mask flawlessly.

"T-Taehyung oppa!"

"Shh! Be quiet! You'll get me in trouble."

He covered her mouth until she nodded. He quickly removed his hand off her mouth and wiped his hand in her cloth, looking disgusted.

"I'm going. Jungkook's waiting for me."

He exclaimed with a blank face. She clasped her hands together and she looked at the sky like she was dreaming.

"Jungkook bias wrecker."

She said, still in wonderland. Taehyung rolled his eyes and had put his mask again, walking away, leaving Ji-eun in that kind of state.

He went back and handed Jungkook a water bottle. He took it and Taehyung sat down beside him.

"What took you so long? I thought I was gonna die of dehydration."

Jungkook overreacted, drinking his water in just one gulp.


Taehyung replied shortly before quenching his thirst. Jungkook nodded.

"Aigoo. If only we have an assistant, then we can order that person around to get us this and that. Aish it's really tiring when we do all the work."

Jungkook ruffled his hair annoyingly.


"Wow hyung! Thanks for the long response. I appreciated it."

Jungkook sarcastically exclaimed.

"I think I know someone that wants to be a maid. She told me that her dream was to be a maid."

Taehyung smirked mentally because there's someone in his mind to become the perfect assistant of BTS.

"Really? Why would a person dream of becoming a maid?"

Jungkook asked, feeling doubtful.

"Yeah. And her name is Ji-eun."

"What's your relation with her?"

Oh shit. I need to think of something. Uh sister? Ew no. Auntie? Grandmother?

"My cousin."

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now