Chapter 27

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The boys and Ji-eun headed somewhere in Kota Kinabalu to celebrate. They arrived at a well-known restaurant, famous for its steaks and other western cuisine.

"Waa~ This looks cool!"

Ji-eun looked around while smiling widely. The boys looked at her with smiles on their faces especially Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin who were smiling ear to ear.

"True that."

Suga stated while pointing at Ji-eun. Suga went beside her and placed his arm over her shoulder. The trio; namely Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin narrowed their eyes at Suga's action.

"But I'm cooler."

He continued with a cocky smile, earning scoffs and rolling eyes from the boys. Ji-eun giggled and nodded.

"Aye, why don't we sit down now? Yeah?"

Taehyung went forward and tried pulling Ji-eun away from Suga's hold while asking. He felt uncomfortable whenever other guys are touching Ji-eun. Jungkook's lips formed into a thin line while Jimin slightly smiled. The others nodded and went to their table.

"Excuse me!"

Namjoon called the waiter.

Minutes later, the food arrived.

"Gosh, I'm drooling."

Jin said, rubbing his hands together while staring at the food.

"It's like a feast. It's too much."

Hoseok uttered with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"I will eat well!"

Ji-eun energetically spoke. Taehyung, who was seated beside her, nodded in agreement.

"Me too."

He retorted. Ji-eun slightly smiled while Jimin and Jungkook who were seated across her, gazed at her.

They started digging into their food while sharing stories and laughing at J-hope's jokes. Most of the time, the trio would glance at Ji-eun who was laughing, bringing smiles to their lips too.

After an hour, they decided to go and have fun. They went to a karaoke bar.

"Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby~"

Jin sang while the others danced humorously.


Jimin cheered, holding up a bottle two bottles up beer. He gave one to Namjoon and Hoseok. He went back to the table and took another two bottles of beer and gave them to Yoongi and Seokjin and lastly, to Taehyung and Jungkook. He sat down and took his glass of orange juice. He looked at the guys and Ji-eun who were having so much fun. It made him grin. He was about to drink his juice when someone seated beside him.

"Gosh, I'm tired."

He looked beside him and saw Ji-eun. She looked at Jimin and to his juice.

"I haven't drank it yet. You can have mine."

Jimin offered her his glass of juice and she shook her head.

"It's okay. Have it."

He smiled while offering his glass. Ji-eun looked at him first before bowing her head a bit to show her gratitude before taking his glass.

"Thank you, oppa."

Their hands brushed against each other then they had a staring contest. 


Ji-eun muttered and Jimin raised his eyebrows.


He gently asked as to why she called his nickname. She shook her head.

"No. I meant Chimchim the dog. He hasn't ate yet."


Jimin nodded in understanding.

"I think I have to go back to the hotel and feed him."

She took her phone and looked at the time.

"It's already 11:42PM. He might be hungry. Jimin oppa, tell them I'll be going first."

She stood up to leave but Jimin grabbed her wrist. She faced him with a questioning look.

"Let me come with you."

He said but she continued to stare.

"I mean, it's 11:42PM. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Jimin explained. 

"What about them?"

She asked, looking back at the boys laughing and jumping. She looked at Taehyung who was bobbing his head while raising the beer he's holding. 

"Let's go back after we feed Chimchim."

Jimin exclaimed, earning a nod from Ji-eun.


They went back to the hotel and hurried up to Ji-eun's room. She thanked the staff who took care of the dog.

Jimin, Ji-eun and Chimchim went inside the room. Chimchim sat down while wagging his tail. Ji-eun took a chair and placed it down at the side.

"Wait here."

Jimin nodded while smiling and obediently followed her order.

Her room is big. It has its own mini living room and a bedroom. Ji-eun went in her bedroom where the dog food's located. She placed two cups of dog food in Chimchim's bowl and went back to the mini living room. Jimin looked up at her walking to Chimchim's direction, smiling lovingly that she didn't notice a toy ball in her way. 


Jimin hastily stood up as she was slipping. Everything went slow motion. The dog bowl fell, together with the dog food. Thankfully, Jimin caught her waist. They had eye to eye contact for a minute, both faces in shock. Their faces inches apart. 

"You okay?"

He whispered, intently staring at her while Ji-eun just stared at him, blinking continuously.

"What are you doing?"

Realization hit Ji-eun when she heard who the owner of the voice is. She glanced at the door and gasped.

And there he was, glaring at Jimin, his fists clenching.

"T-Taehyung oppa...."

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now