Chapter 33

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Taehyung felt so miserable in a seriously horrid way because Ji-eun was gone. Ji-eun please wake up!

I still have a hundred of things that I needed to say! Like I love you......I'm sorry..........STAY.

But Taehyung was just staring at her, holding her hand tight. Tears brimmed in his eyes, mouth opening and closing like a fish, internally screaming to himself for words weren't coming out of his mouth. He felt like his voice disappeared.

I'm going to follow you soon, Ji-eun.

He wanted to die now and follow her. He desperately closed his eyes and let the darkness invade his sight.


Taehyung gasped and opened his eyes. He looked around and the walls were white. He sniffed and wiped his tear-stained face.

I'm at the hospital.

He thought. He looked beside him and saw Jungkook leaning his head on his bed, asleep.


Taehyung called him, his voice hoarse. Jungkook's eyes slowly opened and looked at Taehyung. He was startled so he suddenly stood up and held Taehyung's shoulders.

"Hyung, you're awake!"

Jungkook gladly said. He fished out his phone in his pocket and immediately dialed his other hyungs.

"Hello, Jin hyung! Come to the hospital immediately. V hyung is awake."

Taehyung heard Jin yelling 'OMO' and shuffling in the background. Jungkook then ended the call and looked back at his hyung with a huge smile.

"Welcome back, hyung."

He said. Taehyung nodded and gave him a smile.

"What happened?"

He asked, rubbing his temple. He saw that his bruises were slightly healed. He closed his eyes since he felt a slight headache from suddenly waking up.

"Hyung, you got into a car accident."

Jungkook explained and just with that one statement, Taehyung was taken aback.


Taehyung mumbled. He was trying to stand up but his body refused.

"I-I need to go see her. Where's Ji-eun?"

Taehyung's eyes were now glassy, his heart was pounding, his breathe was hitching. Jungkook tried to hold him back and steady him. He looked at him with a worried expression.

"Hyung no. Your body is still weak."

"I have to go to her Jungkook, please!"

Taehyung held Jungkook's shirt. He looked straight in the other's eyes when tears fell down.

Just then, the others barged in with smiles in their faces but it soon faltered when they sensed the tension inside.

"What's going on here?"

Namjoon asked, walking to the small table and placing the bags of food.

"Hyung he's asking about Ji-eun."

Jungkook spoke. Everyone's expression went worried.

"Ji-eun...she's okay right?"

Taehyung questioned them. Seeing their faces, he bet they knew where she is. He then wiped his tears with his free hand.

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