Chapter 16

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3 hours have passed. The guys recorded their voices that will be placed in their individual short films. The filming started with Jungkook being the first one to go.

"Yes Jungkook, that's right. Look at the painting and show sadness or even cry if you have to."

The director ordered Jungkook which the latter followed obediently.

2 hours have passed after Jungkook was done. The hyungs patted his shoulder and complimented him for being so good in acting.

"Next one is Jimin!"


The members told Jimin their 'goodlucks' and 'you can do it man' as Jimin gave them thumbs up while smiling.

"Okay Jimin, you're going to act like you're smiling outside but you're really dying on the inside while looking at that camcorder over there across you."

"Yes director."

Jimin followed what the director ordered in just 2 takes.

"Okay, cut!"

The director yelled.

"The apple. Where is the apple?"

The director asked the staffs. One of them went to get the apple and gave it to Jimin.

"At the last part, you'll be biting that apple. Okay?"

"Got it."

"Alright. 1, 2, 3, Action!"

After a few hours, Jimin was all done. He felt like a real actor when he acted and it made him feel delighted.

"Taehyung. It's your turn!"

The director called and Taehyung went to his side while smiling, his hands in his pockets.

"Yes director?"

"The first thing you're going to do is to carve the name "Abraxas" on the wall using a sharp tool. Got it?"


"And then you're going to get arrested by the police."

The director explained as Taehyung nodded.

My short film is interesting. I like it.

Taehyung did what he was told, he did really well that the members were gaping at him for his acting skills.

"Okay, bring in the puppy!"

The director yelled as one staff went to Taehyung and handed him the puppy.

Taehyung felt annoyed while glaring at the puppy.

Of all animals....



The puppy licked his arm which made Taehyung's blood boil.

"Don't fucking let your tongue touch my skin or I'll skin you alive."

Taehyung whispered to the dog while plastering a fake sweet smile.

"Okay, let's get on with it! Taehyung, you'll need to lift the dog and it'll lick your face. You need to show that you're happy from it's presence even if you're alone in that dark abandoned place and then you'll suddenly feel scared and pained and hug the dog tightly."

The director said. Taehyung nodded and turned around rolling his eyes. Jungkook saw his attitude, making him shook his head in dismay.

"Aaaaand Action!"

The filming continued when the dog licked Taehyung face yet....

"No Taehyung. Smile! Laugh! Why do you look so disgusted?"

Taehyung grunted and nodded.

"Alright. Let's try that again. Ready.....Action!"

Taehyung has been retaking that part for 7 times for being uncomfortable with the dog, for glaring at it and so on, whilst the director getting a little irked.

"You weren't like this on the Prologue filming! What's happening to you? Anyway, let's take a break first!"

The director shook his head. Taehyung sighed and went to his members.

"You okay hyung?"

Jungkook asked worriedly.

"No. You know I hate dogs."

Taehyung said while staring at the puppy intensely that the staff was carrying.

"Hyung. That was a different dog. It was a crazy one. Look at that puppy, does that seem harmful?"

Jungkook pointed at the puppy who was licking the staffs face. Taehyung's eyes softened as he sighed in defeat.

"It doesn't. But still, I hate dogs."

Taehyung said sassily while crossing his arms.

"You know, for a guy who's older than me, you're more immature. Grow up hyung. Past is past."

Jungkook pointed out. Well, he really has a point there.

"If you still feel uncomfortable around the dog, just think of someone who gives you happiness and pain at the same time."

As Jungkook mentioned the last part, someone suddenly went through Taehyung's mind.


"Okay, okay people! Let's continue!"

The director called. Taehyung looked at Jungkook as he smiled, causing Taehyung to smile back.

Taehyung ran to the set and readied himself.


It finished with Taehyung's awesome acting skills that made everyone clap after the filming. He bowed 90° to show his gratitude while smiling.

Taehyung went to the members, earning some 'good job's and 'you are awesome's.

"It was nothing."

Taehyung retorted.

"Still a tinhorn."

J-hope scoffed while crossing his arms yet he was smiling.

"Next is Yoongi!"

The director yelled.

"Well, there's my cue. Good luck to me."

Suga placed his hands in his pockets and walked off coolly to the set.

Jungkook headlocked Taehyung, making him glare. Jungkook just shrugged and smiled sweetly, letting him go.

"See hyung? You did a great job! So who did you think of that gives you happiness and pain at the same time?"

Jungkook asked. He is excited to hear who the special person is but another part of him doesn't want to know because he already knows.

Taehyung bit his lip and shook his head.

"No one."


"What time is it?"

Taehyung changed the topic and asked what the time is. Jungkook glanced at his wristwatch and looked at Taehyung.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck what should I do?

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now