Chapter 6

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Ji-eun arrived at her house with Taehyung in her hands. She placed him down the couch and patted his head.

"I still can't over the fact that I am touching you. The Kim Taehyung, The BTS Alien Taetae!"

Ji-eun giggled. Taehyung ignored her. He lied down and closed his eyes.

Whatever. Who even made up that stupid name? Alien? Pffft puhlease! An alien of perfection alright! Hah!

He smirked internally and began to take his nap.

"Taehyung oppa, what should I call you? Can I call you Taetae? Ooooor maybe alien? Or Taehyungie! Hm okay I'll go for Taehyung oppa!"

She said and giggled while walking away to her room.

What the heck?! Pshh why am I even asking, The heck is her!

What an annoying blabbermouth.


Taehyung had a good 30-minute nap. He yawned and stretched, his eyes still closed. Then, something flashed on his face. He opened his eyes and focused his sight to the person in front of him. It was no other than Ji-eun, holding a camera, staring at him and smiling.

"You're so cute. But you're more cute when you're a person Taehyung oppa."

She said. Taehyung sighed in dismay.

Really? Even inside this house, I'm still being captured by a camera? Can't I have a little privacy? Just a little?!

Taehyung growled and barked angrily at her, making her flinch and move away from him.

"I-I'm sorry Taehyung oppa. I didn't mean to get you angry."

Taehyung stopped barking when he saw Ji-eun's eyes getting watery. His eyes were still furrowed out of annoyance.

He didn't mind if she cries. It was her fault anyway. She disturbed his nap. He stopped barking because she stopped capturing photos of his dog self.

What if everyone knew that I became a dog? I'll be a dog forever and it's going to be your fault!

Just by the thought of that made his blood boil again. He groaned and shook the thought off.

Ji-eun stood up and sniffed to stop herself from crying. She placed the camera down the table and looked at Taehyung.

"Are you hungry Taehyung oppa?"

She asked. Taehyung barked once to signal her that he wants to eat.

Good timing. I'm really hungry and tired from all those changing forms and taking a nap.

She smiled and carried Taehyung to the kitchen. She placed him on a chair.

"You sit here oppa while I cook us some food."

Ji-eun exclaimed.

Just make sure it'll taste good or I'll flip this table when I get back to my human form.


After eating dinner, Ji-eun told Taehyung to go up in her room because she'll be washing the dishes.

Taehyung didn't let her finish and he immediately left the kitchen, into her bedroom. He layed down on her bed, closed his eyes and went off to dreamland.


Taehyung slowly woke up and looked at the clock which says it's 5:00am. He looked at his side and sighed thankfully knowing that Ji-eun didn't sleep beside him.

He sat up and saw his human legs.

Oh good, I'm back.

He stood up and stretched. He looked at himself whose naked and looked at Ji-eun's closet.

"Next time I should really bring some clothes."

He went over to her closet and picked something that suited and fitted him. He found a grey hoodie and a jogging pants. He saw a specs on her bedside table and took it without permission.

"I'm not stealing. I'm just taking this without her consent. Tsk she should be thankful that I'm wearing her filthy clothes."

He uttered, talking to his reflection and scoffed. He looked for his phone and found it in her bedside table.

He went out her room and went to the living room where he found her sleeping peacefully at the couch.

He saw that she looks like she'd been shivering from coldness but she doesn't have a blanket because Taehyung used the blanket last night.

He rolled his eyes and went back to her room to get a blanket. He went back and stared at her face.

"You know what? You look peaceful and pretty when you sleep. You should always sleep."

He smirked and threw the blanket in her face. (Take note: IN HER FACE) and walked out of her house.

He rode a taxi to the dorm. He peeked at the door and saw no one. He stood up properly and opened the door. He placed his hands in his pockets and walked in.


He concluded that the members are still asleep because there's no noise.

Or so he thought.

He opened the fridge and took the box of milk. He poured some on the glass. While he was drinking, he took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it.

He saw 24 missed calls from each member and 72 messages, mostly it was Jungkook who called and messaged him.

He opened the messages while he was gulping his milk.

V, we have a dance practice for our Baepsae. 1am @ Bighit Ent dance room. Don't be late. -Namjoon

Taehyung's eyes widened and he spat out his milk from his mouth and wiped himself with his arm.

He began to read the other's messages.

Hyung, where are you? -Jungkook

Tae, we've been waiting for an hour. Why aren't you replying? -Jimin

I swear, when I see you this morning I'm gonna rip your head off! -Yoongi

Yah yah yah! Reply please. -Hoseok

Where the heck are you Kim Taehyung?! -Jin

He stopped reading their messages. He felt guilty for not being able to practice with them. Most of all, he felt angry. He felt angry for the fairy, he felt angry for being an animal, he felt angry for being him.

He was going to go out of the dorm to go to the practice room thinking that maybe it's not too late for him.

But it is...

He heard the door open, revealing six guys glaring at him, their arms crossed.

My Dog Is Taehyung Of BTS?! (BTS V Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now