Chapter Thirteen: In the Eyes of Osiris

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Wow, another chapter! Yay! Again I lost my work because I pasted something else on my iPod and I lost all of chapter 13. I rewrote it, deciding not to whine but this chapter turned out to be a combination of what was supposed to be chapter 13 and 14. I didn’t want to drag the story to much because we need the romance part too! This is a romance story after all. Dedicated to IDONOTMVU, you know yourself! Haha.


Adonis POV

Running through the school, I sniffed, catching my mate's strange but enticing scent in the air. The deliciously invigorating smell was leading toward the roof of one of the many buildings around campus.  I breathed in and out wondering in my head what I was going to say to him. On one hand, I was happy about his reaction. It meant that he was somehow attracted to me and what happened in the library was his possessive side showing. On the other hand, I didn't like the look on his face when he finally snapped out of his jealousy. He looked distraught and sad like he couldn't believe what he did.

Watching his reaction made me ashamed of my many escapades. I can honestly say I'm terrified of him finding out how many women I've been with. They are as abundant as the stars in the sky. I don't even remember most of their names and faces. Some of them are humans and still send suggestive looks my way while the ones that are werewolf tries to keep their distance except Ella.

Speaking of the devil, what did she think she was doing? I thought Ella understood our relationship but from what happened in the library, she clearly didn't. I need to deal with her fast before I regret it later. Sighing in annoyance from thinking about Ella, I reached the door leading to the roof where the mouthwatering scent of my mate was coming from. I turned the handle breaking the lock by adding a little strength.

The school closed off the rooftop by placing a strong metal door with a giant lock on it, discouraging anyone from playing on the roof especially humans - werewolves would survive if they were to fall. I frowned, staring at the broken lock and wondering how in the world my mate managed to enter with the lock intact.

Pushing the door opened, I entered but halted when I heard my mate's voice. He seemed to be talking to someone. I sniffed, not smelling anyone although my sensitive nose detected a still and cold air that sends shivers down my spine.

"I told you I don't know why, Tia. He pushed me awake on his own. He usually hates it when I take over but this time he actually allowed me."

His voice stopped like he was listening to someone. I concentrated hard, trying to hear whoever my mate was talking to.  I furrowed my brow in confusion when I didn't hear anything or more specifically anyone.

"Oh please, you all treat him like a baby. The fact that he woke me up means he's scheming something." Once again his voice stopped.

"Whatever Mia, he can handle it, he was just being lazy. I am more worry about why he has me out. He's about to do something which is never good for us. Give him this message for me. If he even tries one of his games, I will lose it regardless of our agreement."

Silence took over, but I give up on trying to hear the other end and just listen for my mate's voice.

"I don't know why you two care; he doesn't even consider you family. He doesn't want any attachment or connection. It's like he wants us to disappear from this world. At the rate he's going there will be nothing left of us."

I wonder who the ‘he’ Osiris was talking about.

"Why should I do that? He started it. He gave me an identity and I accept it so why should I do something like that?"

In the Eyes of Osiris (Volume One & Two) ~LGBT~Where stories live. Discover now