Chapter Seventeen: A Father's Job

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Hello Amazing Readers. Here is another chapter of Osiris. I hope you all like it.


Third Person POV

Adonis’ cold and soulless body was carefully laid out on the rich Persian carpet in Azazel’s castle. Pure white satin sheet covered his rigid formed, signifying he was nothing but a corpse. Cyan, Helios and Zion stood over him, unable to accept the reality that he was no more.

“Where is Azazel?” Cyan finally lifted his head away from the body and spoke, his voice hoarse from crying.

“What do you want now?” As if he heard his name, Azazel teleported in the room. He stared at Adonis, the same sadness from before creeping inside him. He shook his head in annoyance wondering what was with the sudden burst of sympathy. He always hated Adonis and wished for nothing more than his death so why in the world was he feeling sorry?

“Take us to Osiris,” Helios croaked out, his voice just as bad as Cyan’s.

Azazel choked on air glaring daggers at Helios. After he had waited hours for them to stop crying, he informed them that Osiris was slowly breaking reality. They finally got off their asses and requested a cloth be brought to cover Adonis. After listening to their every request, he could not believe what was coming out of the golden hair boy’s mouth.

“Did you not hear me say Eon is going insane, and he could destroy us all any minute now? So tell me why in the world would I take you to him?”

“Because it is our duty to Adonis to stop him,” Zion sniffed.

Azazel gritted his teeth. How he wished he could kill them. But Eon specifically told him to take care of them, and the last thing he wanted was to anger the freak more than he already was.

“Let me explain something to you,” Azazel stared at the three intensely. “If we stay here, we might live, go to him and we die early.” He was hoping such simple explanation would get through to them.

“Arion is out there alone trying to calm Osiris; we should help him. The only thing that kept Osiris from truly going insane back there was Arion, so the least we can do is go assists him,” Cyan argued trying to make Azazel see reason. “If we stay here, there is a high chance we could die, but if we go to Osiris, we might be able to do something.”

“No, we die either way,” Azazel rebuttal.

“What’s your point?” Helios asked, emotionless.

“I want to live!” Azazel hissed in rage.

The three of them stared at him with blank faces further irritating the reaper. He waved his hands in the air in anger and turned to Ramic and Grim, who were watching the exchange.

“What about you two?” He asked them hoping they could talk some sense into Cyan, Zion and Helios.

“I will follow the prophesied one to my death,” Grim held his hand over his heart, making a vow. Another freak who keeps making weird promises nobody cares about, Azazel thought.

Azazel curled his lips in disgust and gazed at Ramic with hope in his eyes. At least he looked like he had some common sense.

“I want to go to the battlefield,” Ramic answered and Azazel slapped his forehead. They are all crazy, he thought, resigning in defeat.

Well, it’s not like he could die that easily, Azazel sighed. “Fine, I will take you, but you must stop him at all cause. Let’s just hope my siblings find my father before there is nothing left of this world.” Azazel had told his many siblings that Hades ordered them to find their father, and although all of them were unwilling, they could not disobey the king of death.

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