Chapter Twenty Three: He Belongs to Osiris

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Hi Guys! Guess what? I am on my Thanksgiving break so I decided to write a nice and long, really long, chapter for you guys to say “HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I am THANKFUL to all those who read and supported “In the Eyes of Osiris,” and “Nothing to Gain.” Enjoy your dinner and time with your family and happy reading!




Adonis POV

I missed him so much! All throughout the weekend my mind was thinking of only one person, Osiris. I was so worried wondering what he was up to and if he was okay. It’s a good thing I’m naturally drop-dead gorgeous or I would have aged seven years just from thinking about him. What made the situation worse is I couldn't call him because I never asked for his phone number. You would think that would be my number one priority. The instant I see him, it will be the second thing I do. First I will kiss him until he’s drunk and then ask for his number.

Although my mind kept wandering back to Osiris constantly, I did manage at least to have fun with Helios and Cyan. We decided to do a sleep over and talk about our lives much to Zion’s charging. He was not invited which ease my pain of missing my demigod. We talked about everything from the argument I had with Helios when I first confirmed Osiris was my mate, to Cyan being mate-less.

Helios apologized over and over and basically balled his eyes out before Cyan finally allowed me to forgive him. We questioned Cyan on how he felt with me having Osiris and Helios having Zion. He assured us that he was okay. He liked both Zion and Osiris so he didn't mind and was glad we had them. We all promised to go out together soon; me, Cyan, Helios, Zion and Osiris. I wanted Osiris to officially meet them where I can introduce him to my brothers so he can understand how important they are to me. I also told them that Osiris was not happy when I informed him of my connection with them. They agreed with me that meeting Osiris and talking to him about the bond might ease his worry.

We raced in our wolves form and trained; some of the pack members even joined us. We practiced with them, taught a few moves and just had fun as a pack. Afterwards we met up with the betas too and watched movies. It was a good weekend but now I was excited to meet Osiris again. Right now I was bouncing in my seat while Helios drove us to school. He and I agreed Cyan drove like an old lady and I was too excited so Hel was our designated driver.

My inside felt warm from knowing I would soon see my king. I was so hungry for Osiris all weekend I even dreamed of him. I shivered thinking about the dream; it felt so real, like he was actually there. Closing my eyes, I calmed my breathing trying to recall the specifics of my dream.


Face looking up at the blood red moon that was bleeding, half of it dripping red; I frowned thinking how nostalgic it felt. I saw the moon bleeding somewhere before, but I couldn't remember. Not moving, I continued to lie down hypnotized by the ominous feeling I was getting from the moon.

“Luna, why are you bleeding?” I whispered, my words echoing throughout the silver night. Not getting any answer, I continued to stare, unmoving.

“Once Luna finished bleeding

Spring will turn to winter

And the fallen shall rise-”

My eyes snapped to the side to see Osiris sitting by me staring straight up at the bleeding moon.

“What does that mean?” I asked mesmerized by how the moon cast heavenly silver glowed down on him. He was breathtaking.

Lifting his index fingers, he pointed up at the sky. “It means when the fallen rise, Icarus will fall. The world is shifting, balance is restoring and something will come through the cracks.”

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