Chapter Thirty: Poem of the Bleeding Moon

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Third Person POV


The red hair stood still; the wind blew around him but his eyes were only for the boy bathing under the moonlight. The waterfall cascaded down over the dark hair beauty. The red hair man smiled, and looked up at the moon; it was the only thing out of place in the perfect world to him.

 “Luna is bleeding,” another man with silver hair and eyes appeared next to the red hair, never taking his eyes of the moon.

 “Cyan? What are you doing here?” Cyan kept still continuing the façade like Osiris instructed him. Right now he was in Adonis dream, the one where he watches the moon bleed. Before entering Adonis’ dream, Osiris gave Cyan specific instruction not to change the dynamics of the dream. Adonis has to be convinced his brother belonged there or problem would ensue.

 “Watching the moon,” Cyan answered Adonis calmly but he was extremely confused. All this time he thought Adonis was interpreting the dream wrong but that was not the case. The moon indeed was bleeding. Did he really come into the dream for no reason other than to see his brother watch his mate bath? Osiris told him to listened for everything and watch for any strange happenings.

 “…okay?” Adonis frowned, not really convinced but he was distracted when he didn’t see Osiris at the waterfall. Cyan almost jumped out of his skin when Osiris appeared behind his brother whispering in his ears. His body stiffened when their conversation reached his ears.

 “The knights have lost their center

The white one is dying

Once Luna finish bleeding

Spring will turn to winter

If the Triquetra cannot form

The King will never ascend

And the Fallen shall rise

To dance as Icarus fall.”

 Cyan listened carefully making sure he heard every word.

 “What does it mean?” He heard Adonis asking Osiris but he never got to hear the answer because a loud ringing sounded in his ears, obstructing his hearing. He woke up, looking all around his room.

 “I hope you found what you were looking for because I will not do that again.” Cyan snapped his head to Osiris who was sitting on his couch looking exhausted.

 “Are you okay?” He got up off the bed and walked to Osiris, kneeling down beside him. “You are burning up. “ He touched Osiris forehead.

 “No but I should go before Adonis noticed I am gone.” Osiris stood up and staggered on his feet. He felt disoriented and weak; so it was finally coming to pass? What hurt him the most was how the situation would affect Adonis. This was the main reason he didn’t want to get involve with Adonis in the first place.

 “Osiris?” Cyan caught his brother’s mate when he saw him swaying.

 “Do not worry, I just need to rest. Did you found what you were looking for?”

 Cyan studied the younger boy for a while and sighed, “I did. I know you said the you in Adonis’ dream might be different but there is this poem I was hoping you could help me-”

 “I cannot. You should talk to Helios. He might have the answer you have been looking for. He has an interesting mind.” Osiris started to walk away but stopped at Cyan’s bedroom door.

“Did you find the bleeding moon you have been obsessing over?” He tilted his head to the side and observed the boy he had come to know as his brother in law.

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