Chapter Twenty Seven: Cold

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Happy New Year Everyone! Here’s chapter Twenty Seven.


Adonis POV

In the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they face one another with a sword they stabbed each other. The blind cop on the scene hears the nose and came and shot the two dead boys.”

“Zion, will you stop that? It sends chills down my spine.” Helios whimpered while he clanged to his mate who was making things difficult for him by whispering a creepy bedtime rhyme in his ears.

“Come on Zion, you are scaring him more and you know that’s not how the poem goes; as if he’s not scare of the movie enough.” Akem stared at Helios in sympathy obviously feeling sorry for him.

“Don’t worry; I’m just playing with him.” Zion chuckled and turned Helios face towards him…and that was my cue to look away. My gazed traveled to where my demigod and brother were sitting. I sat straight up and did a double take at their position.

Osiris’ head was resting on Cyan’s chest while my brother had his arms wrapped around my mate. I clenched my fist and continued to study them; Cyan mumbled something in Osiris’ ear and he nodded and sat up. I watched Cyan got up and walked out of the theater while Osiris lie his head back down on the couch. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to make sure he was aware I knew about whatever exchanged just went down between them.

He probably sensed I was watching him because his back stiffened and he turned around and stared at me. With my eyes narrowed, I beckoned him with my finger and he stood up and walked towards me. Stopping in front off me, I watched in confusion while he started taking his shirt off. His hands were shaking but he successfully took off his shirt and stood between my legs. He threw his clothes to the side and started on my shirt, removing the buttons.

“No Osiris-” I hissed when he laid his hands on my bare chest. They were icy cold; In fact, his entire body was shivering. I finally understood why he was taking off our shirts. I held out my arms and he rushed to me, clanging to my body like his life depended on it.

“Baby what’s wrong?” I brought him closer, lying on my back so he could lie over me.

“Cold,” he whimpered and buried his face in my neck. The piercing cold from his body penetrated through me, sucking all the warmth. My eyes turned red when I felt my beasts pushing my mental barrier. They were worried about him too; I’m sure they could feel how freezing cold he was. Closing my eyes, I channeled all the heat and warmth I could manage and fed it to my mate.

“Here, I brought him blankets.” I looked up at Cyan who was holding three thick comforters in his hands. Cyan spread the blankets over Osiris and me. He touched my mate’s forehead and snapped his hands back quickly, hissing in surprise.

“Thanks Cy,” I smiled at him and kissed Osiris’ neck, letting my lips linger there.

“Don’t mention it. What’s wrong with him?” Cyan sat on a pillow next to our couch which I was grateful for because the heat from his body was helpful.

“I don’t know.” I answered Cyan. “Osiris?” I called him but he didn't answer. His breathing had slow down to a frightening level which from what I recalled meant he was sleeping.

“Is this a normal occurrence?” Cyan asked, taking Osiris hands and holding it between his.

“I have no clue- ugh!” I groaned when the cold from Osiris body seeped through me, almost sucking the life from me. Cyan must have felt it too because he dropped Osiris’ hand and stood up.

In the Eyes of Osiris (Volume One & Two) ~LGBT~Where stories live. Discover now