Chapter Thirteen: The Price for Ascension

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Hello Readers! Here is another chapter of Osiris. Enjoy. I could not update MF today because I am dissatisfy with the chapter. So enjoy Osiris instead.


Adonis POV

Soft and soothing fingers caressed my hair as a calm voice hummed a peaceful melody. My entire body was relaxed like I was floating in the clouds.

“This must be heaven,” I whispered. I slowly opened my eyes when I heard a rich voice chuckle in answer; I shivered at the voice.

“Hello, your majesty,” I grinned at Osiris’ beautiful face. The atmosphere felt like a dream, what with everything looking white and surreal. Osiris was wearing a white cotton pants and a white t-shirt. He was sitting up with his legs stretch out and his back against a tree. I was lying down with my head in his lap.

“You finally fell asleep,” he smiled at me.

Using the tree Osiris was sitting against as support I pulled myself up to his level. I wasted no time and went straight for his lips. I pecked them gently, enjoying how delicious he tasted. Attaching my lips to his I slowly commence to kiss him, feeling the tingling sensation of electricity against my mouth. Like always, the hunger started to set in, and I abandoned being gentle, choosing to devour his lips instead, but he pulled away.

“Wait,” he turned his head from me. 

Pulling his shirt and hair out of the way, I kissed his neck, grazing his skin with my teeth. I opened my mouth to bit down on his mark, but stopped midway when I realized something; the mark was gone. Like someone threw a cold bucket of water over my head, I snapped to attention. I stared at his neck for a long time, trying to understand where the mark went.

“Where is it?” I asked him.

He studied my face for a long time; “where is what?” he asked.

“The mark, Osiris!” I snapped in irritation. “Where is it?” The mark was a representation of our relationship. It meant that we would always be together, and now it was gone.

Gazing in my eyes, he sighed; “I have no clue what you mean, but–”

“You don’t know what I mean?” I growled and stood up. “First you let them take you without even putting up a fight; now our mating mark is gone, and you don’t even remember it? What did they do? God, you piss me off! I am so–”

“Angry?” He asked.

Angry was not a word I would use for the emotion building up inside me. I felt hot rage and hate bubbling through my blood. They had the audacity to remove my mating mark from his neck like it was a damn tattoo. What the hell! I stood up and started to pace. I will kill them for this, all of them! They deserve death. We will get our revenge if it is the last thing we do. They will all burn in hell! Aeternum will fall!

“So that blood of yours is awakening huh?” I heard Osiris asked calmly. He was standing with his back against the tree, watching me pace up and down.

“Not now Osiris!” I sneered at him. Couldn’t he see I was busy?

“Well, I do not have time for it,” he walked to me and stopped right in front of me, halting my pacing. I watched in bewilderment when he ripped my white shirt open. His fingers were burning with blue flame, and before I could ask what he was doing, he pressed them to my abdomen. I groaned in pain and fell to my knees.

“What did you do to me?” I stared down at my stomach expecting to see burn scars, but there were none except dull marks.

“Calm down now?” H knelt down in front of me.

In the Eyes of Osiris (Volume One & Two) ~LGBT~Where stories live. Discover now