Chapter Twenty One: Mother

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I might be busy the next few days so I decided to upload the other part because chapter 20 was a cliff hanger. So here is the continuation of the last chapter. Enjoy!



“He knows!” She whimpered loosening her arms from around me and running off in tears. I stared at the maid retreating form baffled.

“What just happened?” I asked staring at the spot Nafre ran off to.

“This is not good.” Dar rubbed his pale face.


Adonis POV

“Alright, everyone sit down so we can find out what’s going on. You are all confusing us.” Pa called everyone attention and we found a seat.

“So what happened?” Father asked when everyone was settled.

 “I asked Aza to do a background check on Osiris. The information arrived today and unfortunately he saw it and I guess left the town?” Wait, I just realized that he left the town! Was he coming back? What have I done?

“May I see the file?” Dar asked and Cyan handed it to him. I studied him as he flipped through the pages.

“Master Adonis what did you think of the family in this file?” He asked never removing his eyes away from the file.

“They looked nothing like Osiris.”

Finally Dar looked up at me and sighed. “It was invasive of you to investigate Master’s background.” I bowed my head in shame. I really needed to mind my own business.

“Ai was only trying to know as much about his mate as possible. Osiris was always secretive so-”

“You misunderstand me,” Dar cut Helios off. I smiled at my brother silently thanking him for defending me. “While what master Adonis did was invasive, I’m glad he did it.”

“What?” I whispered wondering if I misheard Dar.

“Will you tell us everything?” Dad asked the pale demon.

“Alright. I am going to tell you about what led us to move to your town because Master Osiris will never willingly tell you. Master Osiris never knew his mother had a husband and children.”

“I don’t understand-”

“Let me explained and you can all ask questions when I’m done.” We nodded our heads and Dar begin his explanation.

“Master Osiris only has one love. His heart and soul is only given to one person and sadly that exclude you master Adonis. In fact I could even go so far to claim that what he is feeling for you now is a result of him tapping into Master Ra’s emotion.” Dar stopped and stared at me apologetically.

“You- I- can!!” I swallowed a lump in my throat shock at what Dar just told me.

“You see when Master Osiris severed your bond, Master Ra devised a plan to drain their powers so the only choice left would be for them to merge and finally become one like they used to be, or risk death and probably take half the town with them. Becoming one meant master Osiris will gain all of Master Ra’s emotion including what he feels for you. So without realizing it, Master Osiris tapped into his other self-emotion making him to realize you mean something to him and in turn he mended the bond. Master Ra loves you no question about that, but the real Master Osiris, or both of them combined has a heart made of ice. In fact, they only love one person in this entire world.”

In the Eyes of Osiris (Volume One & Two) ~LGBT~Where stories live. Discover now