Chapter Six: Azazel's Secret

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Hi Everyone! *smiles nervously* I know I have not updated for a while. This time I had a legit excuse, life! Without further delay here is chapter six!


Third Person POV

Azazel appeared in the room and stood still, watching his half-brother wallow in his misery. He fixed his facial expression, forcing his smirk down. He will admit, for a demigod Osiris was strong even when he was sick. He never let his guard down nor lost his temper when he, Azazel, was being cruel. His entire attempt to anger Osiris was ignored and it really pissed him off. He needed to know Osiris secrets, find out what made him thick but his efforts were in vain, that is until now.

His frustration started when he couldn't find the guardian. He knew the guardian must be in Icarus Falls but something was blocking him from finding him. Finally giving up on finding the guardian, he decided to use Osiris to find him. If he was really in the town, he would hear the call of his master and come but nothing happened.

At first he planned to ignore Osiris and not help him because he had thought his filthy blood brother would take the initiative and ascend into a god. But to his annoyance Osiris had no intention of doing that and time was running out. So he Azazel had to make his move.

While observing his brother, he noticed two things. First Osiris was secretive and kept a lot of things from Adonis, although part of that could be because he himself does not understand them enough to tell anyone. Second, and the most important which became Osiris biggest weakness, was his undying love for Adonis. It took a while but he noticed it and decided to play on that.

He knew Adonis would force Osiris to become a god if it would mean saving him. It was a given that Osiris would also agree if Adonis asked him no matter how much he didn't want to. Still something was very odd, and that was Osiris' refusal to ascend. Did he know about Eon? No, he can't know. Yes, Eon was awakening the more Osiris body failed but compared to the more powerful Eon, Osiris was just a tiny consciousness trapped inside something bigger so how can he know?

Still though, he knew how tricky his brother was so if he was to awaken Eon, his brother had to believe he was on his side. From all the preparation and trouble the gods went through to seal Eon away, he was still waking up. This meant he really was as powerful as everyone feared. Azazel frowned, thinking how annoying it was that Eon was breaking down the prison, his body, they built for him. It would be so much easier if he could die when the weak body does. But the death of the body would mean the end of everything, so now the gods had to change their plans and give him something stronger.

Azazel clenched his teeth in annoyance, although he has been gathering powers for Eon's arrival, he still didn't know if it was enough to protect him from something so deadly. This was precisely why he had to be on Osiris' side, at least until he can take him down to the underworld. But to do that he needed the guardian and what's inside him! But now that his master was hurting, he will feel the pain and want to come to his aid. Forcing down his excitement, Azazel put himself in a big brother mood to try and comfort Osiris. He walked to the bed and laid his palm over Osiris' back feeling his bones; he really was on death bed meaning time was not on the gods' side.

"Are you okay brother?" Azazel asked, faking sympathy. Osiris stiffened and slowly sat up. Whipping his face, he turned an accusing glare on his half-brother.

"Why did you tell Adonis?" He snapped.

Azazel plastered a concern look on his face; "He deserves to know. I am your brother so I want the best for you. I know you do not want to ascend into godhood but you must. Iris, I can not bare to see you wither away."

"You almost sound sincere; we are enemies, why would you care what happens to me?" Osiris asked distrustfully.

"We are brothers; it is our job to think we are enemies. I of course want the best for you-"

In the Eyes of Osiris (Volume One & Two) ~LGBT~Where stories live. Discover now