Read: Important Info for the story.

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After thinking hard about the direction In the Eyes of Osiris is headed, I finally made the decision about what I want to do with the story. I realized that this book could be long, longer than I predicted so this was what I decided.

In the Eyes of Osiris will be divided into two Volumes. The first half, the one that I am working on right now is called: In the Eyes of Osiris: The mystery of Osiris. This is as you have all guess will be about learning what Osiris is and building his relationship with Adonis. The epilogue for the first volume will be the prologue of the second volume.

The second story will continue immediately after the first one finishes. There will be no breaks. In fact, I will continue the next half in the same book. Volume two is called. In the eyes of Osiris: The Destiny of Osiris. Together, the two volumes will be called, In the Eyes of Osiris.

Does that make sense? I just don’t want too much pile at the same time in one book. I want to be able to build the story in Volume one and bring everything together in Volume Two.

Ask me any question if you are confused.

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