Chapter Fourteen: Rivers of the Underworld Part 2

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I Promised Asioncon that Osiris will appear in this chapter so I could not cut it. It is very long, took me all weekend! This chapter is dedicated to Asioncon for helping me on the last chapter. I truly dislike it. Anyway, here is a better chapter. Enjoy!


Third Person POV

Arion sighed heavily as he gazed up at the figure levitating above him.

“So, what now?” He asked calmly, floating in Lethe, the river of forgetfulness.

He was thrown into the river by some Azazel guy, but that wasn't the strange part. The man floating above him, who called himself Ziva, was sent by Azazel to kill him. Ziva had refused to fight him once he noticed that Arion still retained his memory. Apparently Arion was supposed to forget everything, and his mind was supposed to fall into oblivion, but that did not happen.

When he first fell into the river, Arion felt a calming feeling takeover him like his worries and problems did not matter, but a sharp pain in his brain had the feeling dying quickly. It was like something dared him to forget. He guessed that was Eon. The universe did not appreciate Eon’s guardian being forced to forget his duty.

So now, there he was floating over the river looking up at Ziva. “You won't fight me, yet you refused to help me get out of here.” Arion sighed in frustration.

“Well, I do not sense power in you; however, only gods can brush off the effects of Lethe like it was nothing. You must be strong then, and I like to avoid pain if necessary.” Ziva, who was wearing dark blue leather pants and bare chested, gazed down at Arion; his brown hair was in a ponytail, with his arms folded over his chest.

“All right, then get me out of here," Arion snapped, almost wanting to scream.

“Were you not listening? I do not like pain. If I assist you, Master Azazel will inflate a thousand years of pain on me.” Ziva refused Arion’s request, almost seeing what Azazel would do to him if he helps the man. Yep, he would like to avoid pain if necessary.

“Then just go away,” Arion resigned.

“No,” Ziva refused; “I enjoy our conversation, it’s very enlightening.”

Arion jaw dropped, and he stared at Ziva in disbelief. Making a decision, he dipped his face in Lethe hoping the water would make him forget. He would do anything to escape the madness that was Ziva. Why was this happening to him? The others were God knows where, facing God knows what, and he was stuck entertaining some weirdo.

“Ziva right?” Arion asked, getting an idea. The man nodded. “How do I get to the other rivers?” He asked.

“Well,” Ziva drawled. “They are all connected, so there is a way to get from one to the other. However, swimming is a bad idea. Just stay and let us converse. I enjoy talking to you. You are quite intelligent.”

“So how long do you plan for us to have this exchange?” Arion gritted his teeth.

“I am not in any hurry,” Ziva answered.

Arion rubbed his temple feeling a massive headache. “If I stay here, I could catch a cold meaning I won't be coherent to have any conversation with you.”

“You underestimate yourself,” Ziva shook his head. “I should think you are stronger than that.”

What was with this man? Arion asked the heavens. He did not want to fight him, yet he expected Arion to talk with him like they were acquaintances. Was his behavior another form of attack? Arion's eyes widened with realization; so that’s what this was about? Arion thought back to what Ziva said. He did not like pain. Did it mean he fought his battles mentally? He had to admit it would be interesting to play mind tug of war with Ziva but he did not have the time.

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