Chapter Sixteen: Impact.

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I wrote this while nursing a cold so I hope it was not too confusing!



Tangling his hand in Osiris’ hair, Adonis pecked his lips one last time and laid his head on Osiris’ shoulder. He was still, his heart stopped. He. Was. Dead.

As they watched Adonis in dread, a groaned came from where Zion was lying. He stood up and looked around the room. Everyone eyes snapped towards him in shock except Osiris. He was looking straight ahead, unseeing with a dead Adonis in his arms.


Third Person POV

Silence! No sound was uttered. Everyone was frozen in time, watching and trying to comprehend what happened. Cyan stared at Zion, as he stood up, groaning and holding his head.

Zion, still not aware of the impact his actions were causing, closed his eyes. He was feeling disoriented, and his skin was warmer than usual. His inside was hot, and his eyes felt uncomfortable like sand was inside them.

Helios stared at Zion, not seeing him. Just a second ago Zion was dead, and now he was standing up, looking confused and tired.

Arion along with everyone else was gawking at Zion until a cold and dark feeling started to creep into him. He stiffened his heart dropping to his toes. Only he noticed the change in the room.

Ramic, Grim and everyone else continued to study Zion without making a sound.

Osiris was still staring into space, never moving a muscle. His inaction cause Adonis’ body to slide out of his arms and slowly fell to the floor with a thud. The sound penetrated throughout the room waking everyone up. Cyan snapped to attention and race to where Adonis was laying, in front a rigid Osiris. He held Adonis in his arms, shaking him, trying and failing to wake him up.

“Donis,” Cyan choked, caressing his bond brother’s cheeks. “Come on buddy, wake up for me,” he continued to shake Adonis not at all ready to accept that he was dead. “Adonis!” Cyan screamed, tears gushing down his cheeks.

His screamed pierced through Helios and Zion finally getting their attention. Slowly taking his eyes off Zion, Helios ran to Cyan and knelt down on the carpet. His hands shook uncontrollably as he went to touch Adonis, but his hands were met with Adonis’ cold and lifeless body. “This cannot be happening,” he whispered, not knowing how to feel. “Adonis, wake up,” he murmured, his eyes clouded with tears. “Come Ai, you can’t be... this is just a dream.” He bowed his head over Adonis, tears running down his face like a river.

Zion watched the scene in confusion. Still feeling lightheaded, he carefully made his way to Cyan and Helios and bent down to study Adonis. “Is he okay?” He asked, and his question caused Helios and Cyan to flinch, their insides squeezing together. “What’s wrong with him?” Zion continued to probe the other two for information, but they were just too scared to say the words that would seal Adonis’ fate.

Ramic and Grim watched them, deciding to stay where they were. It wasn’t their place to interrupt and show grief because they could not possibly imagined what the others were feeling.

Arion walked to the group but instead of going to Adonis, he stopped in front of Osiris and touched his face. “Are you okay?” He asked him, afraid of the dark and cold aura seeping through him from Osiris. It made him nervous how Osiris seemed calm on the outside but inside darkness was slowly taking over him.

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