Chapter Nineteen-Part Two: Avatars

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Hi Readers, here is part two. This is the continuation of part one. The setting is still the same; Osiris bedroom. And they are still getting to know each other.


"Enough about me for today tell me about you Adonis."


Adonis POV

"Alright, where should I begin?"

"Tell me about what you are?"

"I thought you knew." I teased.

"I know what the dead told me but hearing it from a truth heir is different."

This might be a good time to tell him about Helios and Cyan connection to me but first a little history lesson.

"This town, Icarus Falls is very special. The town is in another dimension, removed from earth but in a way it is still part of earth. For an outsider to come in, they need permission from the alphas." I stopped when something occurred to me. "How did you manage to live here without permission Osiris?"

"What if I had permission?" He challenged.

I frowned; he couldn't have gotten permission from my fathers because they didn't know about him.

"From who?" The only other people to enter this town without asking were four wolves from the outside. We dealt with three already and the other one is living here happily. We are still puzzled when it comes to how they entered. Even they don't know from the information we extracted from them.

"Your great grandfather."

"WHAT? Osiris, you can't have gotten permission from him, he's-"

"Dead?" He finished for me. I stared at him like I was seeing him for the first time.

"You were given go ahead from my dead great grandfather?" I don't even know how I'm supposed to take it. So he was still in this town?

"Honestly I already entered the barrier before he met me. He thought it would look bad if someone did not invite me in, so he give his consent."

"This is, wow. Can-"

"No," he snapped coldly. "You cannot meet him."


“Death is not something to play with. There is a good reason the living and dead do not mingle.”

“But there is so much we could learn from him Osiris, please-”

He framed my face with his hands, begging me with his eyes. “Please do not ask me for something like this, I hate saying no to you.”

“Then don’t say no, please?” He closed his eyes and breathed in and out, all the tension disappearing from his body. When he opened them, I knew his answer right away.

“No! If I do this soon you will want to talk with other dead family members. It will start a fire I am not knowledgeable enough to put out.”

Reading the conflict in his eyes, I decided to let it go. My great grandfather has been dead for years, way before I was even born. I wanted to meet him because his generation of alphas was legends, three of the most powerful alphas to ever come out of Icarus Falls. I was disappointed, but I will survive.

We entered an awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say. I hated it; the last thing I wanted was to make him feel bad.

“Where were we?” I asked clearing my throat.

A grateful smile graced his perfect lips, “I really like you,” he whispered, eyes widening in surprised.

At his words, my inside turned warm and fuzzy. It was… I can’t even put the effect of those four words into coherent thought. I closed my eyes feeling his words traveled through my being. So this was what having a mate felt like? He really was the one I’ve been waiting for my entire existence. This time I couldn’t stop my wolf or demon. They wanted their mate now and so did I.

In the Eyes of Osiris (Volume One & Two) ~LGBT~Where stories live. Discover now