Chapter 1 (OMG)

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Author note :

~This story contains mature wording such as curse words etc so if you're not comfortable with it,don't read further.

~ This is a boyxboy story so if you're not comfortable with this too,don't read it.

~ This is my first fanfic in Wattpad!

~ I'm not from USA or place near there so I'm sorry for my grammar errors. It's readable though I'm sure you can understand what I'm trying to describe.

~ ENJOY! A comment is always appreciated!


Harry's POV

B-A-N-G !!!

He fell right to the cold hard ground, right in front of my eyes....

That deafening bang made me dropped the gun I was holding. I've never... I've never shot anyone before.. I.. I didn't mean to. Is he still breathing? Is there a chance he's still alive? He's definitely not moving. Even from the spot I'm standing,I can see the pool of blood starting to thickens around the area he's laying,probably breathlessly. No. Stop thinking like this! He is breathing! He's just....fainted or something. The's so red.

I dropped to my knees and stared at my shaking hands.My breathing became unstable as I quivered,shivered and cried silently. The gun...How could've it..? I don't even own a gun!This is not right.I don't even know who he was!What am I going to do?! I'm still in school.I'm a student! I still stay with my parents!

Mum... How am I going to explain this?! She'll be devastated to hear this!

Tears started to stream down my face,flowing uncontrollably,wetting my cheeks and T-shirt. As I was regretting every moment that recently happened,I can almost feel my heart stopped when I heard sirens behind me and someone calling out loud




Narrator's PoV

"Louis,wash your hands first."

Johannah said before Louis can grab the toast.

"Mom,my hands are completely clean.I just had my shower."

She slapped Louis's hand away as he tried to reach for the toast again.

"Sanitary first."

Louis groaned out loud.He made his way to the sink and washed his hands.With his mother's satisfaction he sat down and started eating his breakfast.

As much as he hated waking up early,he actually loved the toast his mom made for him every morning.
It's the same ol' toast with strawberry jam and a nice warm tea by its side.The smell of tea automatically brought up his mood in the morning.After passionately inhaling in the tea's scent,he sipped down his tea enjoying the sweet taste.

Johannah cleared her throat loudly to catch Louis's attention."Mhm.I hope you'll be good at school today." Louis choked on his tea and coughed.

"I'm always good mom."

"I'm your mom Louis.I know you inside and outside."

Louis ignored the remarks his mom said and ate his toast.

"Louis,are you even listening to me?I don't want you to get sent down again.."

Louis sipped down his tea till the cup is clean.Looking at his mom's frustrated face,he smiled and nodded his head.

"I'm sure you don't want me to be late on the first day at a new school so see ya later!"He grabbed his bag and rushed out the door.

"Louis Tomlinson!" was the last thing Louis heard before he got on his car and sped off.

Info: Picture up there caught on May 23 2016. 😃

~~I don't know how else to start.But I promise you it gets more and more interesting.

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