Chapter 31

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Third person's PoV

"Harry,are you okay in there?"

Niall was absolutely concerned about Harry. He's been hiding himself in the one of the toilet stalls for a good 15 minutes and Niall being a normal human,was of course tired of standing. He ended up squatting and leaning against the door of the stall Harry's in while he constantly ask how's Harry doing. Harry didn't answer at all and Niall guessed he was crying because of his watery eyes earlier and the sniffling heard behind the door.

Niall felt useless. He was supposed to make Harry feel better,was supposed to make Harry come out and tell him everything he needed to let out but no. Harry won't even respond to one of his question. He needed to know if Harry was okay. He was goddamn worried. Class will start in another good 30 minutes or so and he's planning to skip. He wanted to be there for Harry while he's in the most vulnerable state.

"Hey,I know you're hurt. I understand. I just need to know if you're okay. I'm really worried about you,Harry. Please answer me." Niall said.

Still no answer. Only sniffling and the small sound of shifting. Harry's probably uncomfortable in there. There's not much space and the smell wasn't that comfortable either. Harry started getting hiccups and that's the only sound heard in the toilet other than his weak sniffling. Niall heard the hiccups and he groaned,knowing the younger boy's still crying and he can't do anything about it.

"Harry." Niall tried again. "Class will start soon. Students will come and use the toilet and they'll either hear you crying and ask me who's in there or they'll ask me why am I not in class but squatting down here,talking to the door."

Harry wanted to laugh at that. He really does but...he forgot how to laugh at the moment. He hoped Niall will leave him alone and go away. He doesn't need a caretaker. He can take of himself. That's what he thought.

"I need you to come out and we'll go somewhere. We don't have to go to class today if you don't want to and of course,your mum doesn't need to know that. Look,if you won't come out in the next 5 minutes,I'm calling Louis. I know for sure he'll get you out." Niall tried for the last time.

Thankfully,Harry came out. He obviously can't have Niall calling Louis over. Niall heard the door lock clicked and he turned his head around. The sight of Harry broke Niall to pieces. Harry's eyes were swollen and red because of the crying. His nose were red as well. His lips looked like it's been bitten so hard and Niall swore there's blood over Harry's lower lip. His face was almost so pale and it scared Niall. He never looked so fragile before. He's always keeping a brave face and... this was unexpected.

Niall quickly stood up and brushed the back of his jeans with his hands.

"Thank God,Harry. I thought you'd never come out and I was thinking of breaking the door." Niall sighed.

"Can w-we get out of here?" Harry's voice came out raspy after the crying and it hurts Niall.

"Sure. Anything for you right now mate."

Niall and Harry rushed out of the school without any of their friends knowledge. Harry kept his head low while walking to hide his horrible state of face and no one actually took notice of that. It went smooth. Niall asked where should they be going and Harry answered home. His mum was obviously working so its safe. Niall offered to drive him there because of the younger boy's state but he protested. He wanted to drive.

And so Niall and Harry drove their own cars to Harry's. They went inside and made sure to lock the front door before going upstairs to Harry's room. Harry tossed his bag carelessly and his bag hit the bottom of his desk. He sat down on his bed,not knowing what to do. Niall put his bag down and went to sit beside Harry,gently rubbing Harry's back with his palm.

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