Epilogue 2

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After they finished their meal,Louis stood up and brought the plates,glasses and cutleries to the kitchen to wash them tommorow. Harry was still waiting at the same spot,following Louis' order to not move. What else does Louis have in mind? Harry thought.

Louis went upstairs and Harry was left to wonder what's coming next. Maybe he bought a new movie to watch with Harry tonight? Or was he even up there getting something? He probably went upstairs just to get a change of clothes. Wait...or did he bought some new clothes for Harry?
Well,any one of those.

Louis walked back downstairs after a short while and he smiled nervously when he saw Harry watching him. He called Harry over to him with a hand behind his back which made Harry thought so hard what could it possibly be?

"Louis? Is everything alright?" Harry asked softly.

"Of course. Of course everything's alright. What's not to be?" Louis laughed nervously.

Harry sense something was definitely amiss. Louis seemed too nervous for his own good and it's not normal for him to. It couldn't be because of this date of theirs. They've been on four dates already so why was he like this?

"Okay,but you know you can tell me anything right?"

"I do have something to tell you..." Louis said and stared into Harry's eyes as he spoke. "I don't know how to start this,but I'll try. Um,Harry. I... these few months with you have been my favourite moments of the year, especially on our dates. You make me so happy and not to be cliche as fuck but you're the reason I want to wake up the next morning. You're the reason I want to still be alive tommorow. And it drives me crazy when I can't see you...but it also drives me crazy when I see you. You drive me crazy,in a good way.I really,really, really like you Harry and I hope you do too,as much as me?"

"Yeah. I really do like you Louis,so so much. I can say it everyday if you want me to."

Louis smiled nervously again."That's great,then. The point is,I need to make you mine. I can't let anyone else have you,except your parents of course but-"

"I don't like anyone else as much as I like you,Louis. With you,I feel different. I feel things I can't explain."

"Like a boner?" Louis joked.

"I..no. I never..why must you ruin the moment arsehole?" Harry's cheek glowed bright pink and it didn't go unnoticed by Louis.

Louis knew Harry's lieing if he say that Louis never gave him a boner before. He saw it a few times,though he never point it out. Harry's always fidgety when he got it and Louis had a hard time biting his tongue so he won't laugh.

"Okay babe,I'll get straight to the point. I want you to be mine,officially. I want the privilege to call you mine in public. I know you could probably think this is too fast or some sort but you can always tell me if you're not ready. So,Harry Styles,will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry tried to contain his excitement,he can't be showing that he's expecting this..but he failed. He smiled so wide and pulled Louis by his neck and brought their lips together. Louis laughed against Harry's lips and moved his,and he felt himself melting at how soft Harry's lips was and he still can't get over it no matter how many times they kissed before.

"So is that a yes?" Louis asked after he pulled away,getting a small whine from Harry.

"Yes,you nitwit. Why in the world would I kiss you if it's a no?"

"Sorry babe,I just got to make sure. I honestly thought you'll reject me,
thinking all this is too fast."

"Apology accepted. And we're official now,Lou. What next?"

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