Chapter 11

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This is how they all looked like in this story { Picture down }

This is how they all looked like in this story { Picture down }

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Harry leaned close to my face until I can feel his hot breathe against my lips,whispering "So let's do that certain something then they're not thinking wrong."

I don't know what kind of reaction to make but I can feel my cheeks became hot. I'm blushing because a 16-year-old teased me? Unbelievably embarrassing.

"That ain't do any effect on me,Styles."

I challenged myself to meet his gaze and I gulped,seeing how close we were. Our face were just inches apart,so does our lips and this situation's threatening me. I begin to feel cold sweat forming behind my neck probably because this room's hot as fuck or that Harry's position right now is begin to bust my wall down.

I've only been 2 days with him and he's trying to bring me down like he did to the girls in this school. He hasn't tell me anything about him yet and to be honest,I'm not sure he's that type or not but judging by the amount of girls trying to steal his attention every time he passed by them,I don't think he'll want to miss the chance of hooking them up. Note to self: Ask someone about Harry.

"Oh,so it's Styles now?"

"Not in mood to call you Haz."

He smirked. " And why's that?"

"Because we are supposed to help a friend out and yet here we are.

"I wonder what's stopping you." He said and I saw his eyes drifted to my lips before drifting back to my eyes.

Excuse me?? He's the one asking me to stay with him until the others find us probably 5 minutes ago and now he's asking me what's stopping me??!

"BRAT." I said,sharp at the T.

My phone rang when he opened his mouth to speak and he looked down to my pocket. I too looked down at my pocket and before I can take my phone out,the door knob rattled. Someone's trying to get in.

My eyes widened at having to think what to explain to whoever's out there why were we both in here with the door locked. My phone's still ringing and I hastily took it out to silence it when someone called out
"Louis? You in there? It's me,Liam."

I huffed out a breathe of relief and answered " Yeah,its me. Hold on."

Harry shrugged and went to the bench to grab his bag. I felt a bit bad for him since I knew he dreaded sports and he got no chance but to play along now. My hand's on the doorknob but I didn't open it. Harry sling his bag and looked at me who's still not twisting the doorknob open. He smiled softly at me and gestured his hand to the door,signaling that he's okay and I should open it. So I did and there standing was Liam,Zayn and Niall.

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