Chapter 30

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Third person's PoV

Harry literally felt like he could fly after Louis asked him out. He thought Louis will never ask him out until at least a week or two with him. It's's just a shocking news. Especially when Louis said he deserved so much more. It made him think does Louis like him just as much as he does to Louis? Does Louis want to make him his boyfriend? Is this all the date is about? That was all he thought about in class,obviously not paying any attention to the teacher.

He find himself nervous but excited for the date with the boy he's been crushing. It's frustrating,really. He never been so attracted to someone like this before. But anyway,he's glad. Glad that everything worked out with Louis. It's going well so far. The stupid attempts he did last time,its embarrassing. He doubt Louis even noticed. He owes Cara and Niall though. For the past months crushing on Louis,they've been there. They've helped,giving advice and all.

He wouldn't have been here,getting asked out by Louis if they didn't actually...I don't know? Lend some ideas to him? He's inexperienced,after all. It still feel weird to him,to like a boy. He never imagined he's gonna take interest in a boy and wanting him all to himself. How is he going to explain this to his friends? To the school? Much worse,his parents? How are they going to accept it?

But that's another problem. Let's just put it aside for now. All Harry wants to do now is to thank his two helpful guides and share the news with them. They deserve it.


"So,what's up?" Niall asked as he put his bag down beside him and sat down on the grass,facing Harry.

Cara did the same,sitting beside Niall.
They were all sitting at the front lawn of their school after the school bell rang. School's done for the day and students were seen going back home. Harry had texted them in class earlier,telling them to stay back for a while.

"There better be something important you gotta tell us,Harry. I'm ruining my new jeans for you." Cara whined at having to sit down on the grass.

"They're just jeans. I'm more important." Harry joked.

"Honestly though,why can't we just find a café or a place with chairs to sit on?" Cara made an uncomfortable face looking down at the grass.

"You're such a braggy model. Do you think the grass actually enjoys your butt on them?" Niall scowled.

"Okay guys,please. We are here for a purpose,not to fight or complain about having to sit on nature." Harry said.

"What purpose? Do tell."

Harry fidgeted with his fingers. "Louis asked me out."

Cara and Niall looked at each other for a moment and it was quiet between the three of them until Cara squealed happily.

"For real? No joke?" Niall asked Harry in disbelief.

Harry smiled and nodded,his dimples showing. Unexpectedly,Cara attacked Harry in a hug that sent both of them rolling on the grass. Harry groaned and Niall just sat there,laughing.

"Oh my god,Harry! That's big news!" Cara said excitedly,arms still around Harry.

"Yeah,I know. I'm so happy too." Harry chuckled and returned Cara's hug. "You don't even know.."

The students passing by them smiled at the scene. Some of them probably thought they're secretly a couple,some of them thought they're just really close friends. Either way,the two doesn't care because they're obviously close and it brings a lot of gossip around. They enjoy it.

"Um,Harry..." Harry heard Niall said.


"I think Louis is not comfortable with you two like that." Niall whispered. "He's watching."

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