Chapter 9

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Hah,I'm still sure Larry is real. Its so hard to live while 1 Direction is on break..They better make sure they're back by 2017 and they're not going solo and all so its worth my wait. THEY BETTER!!!


Harry's POV

I literally hit the alarm clock too hard it actually crash on the floor when I was trying to shut it up. I yawned and picked it up. The arrows not moving... What the hell? I shook it and it just rattled but still it doesn't move. Well shit. Now I need a new alarm clock.

Yawning,I dragged myself to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. Oh that reminds me. What time did mum returned last night? I was too tired to actually notice. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night because I heard her noisily making her way to her room. No,shes not doing it on purpose. She's probably too tired to notice she's loud. Her stilettos were really...noticeable. Whatever you do,you can't hide the sound it makes.After she left yesterday afternoon,I just went out to buy Chinese food for lunch,did my schoolwork,took a nap,woke up just to order pizza for dinner and went back to bed. I was just exhausted yesterday. Well,its normal to feel like that on a Monday isn't it?

School starts at 9 but here I am,all done dressed at 7:15 a.m. I took a quick look at my mirror. You look good.. my brain told me.

My mum told me if you need opinions on how you look like,ask yourself before asking anyone else because people have different opinions. She first told me that when I was 11 years old and I didn't quite get it because I knew I'll never compliment myself. That's weird. I told my mum that and she asked me
"What if you asked 2 of your friends and they have different opinions? Who will you trust and why? Your answer can't be because you trusted one of them than the other." I understood then.

After I'm fully satisfied with my looks,I grabbed my bag and my phone and rushed downstairs. No one's home,as usual. Not even Robin. Robin's my step dad . I'm not comfortable calling him dad so I called him by the name instead but he's okay with it. Both of them goes to work at 6:30 am sharp. Yeah,this is my life. I can't even see their face once a day because they always come back home when I'm already asleep. Never mind .. At least I can see my mates face everyday.


I had to park my car a bit further because someone took my usual parking spot. I'm so pissed. Usually my spot will remain empty until I arrive. I guess this whole school knows that's my parking space and no one dared to park there.Until now.'s okay.. That won't ruin my mood today. I'm not in mood to lose my mood.

As I made my way to the cafeteria,the corner of my eye saw Louis. He was studying his schedule and picking books for today. Should I walk and pretend I never saw him? Well,yesterday I'm the one saying I want it to be mutual between me and him to him it is.

I quietly crept behind him. He was looking at his schedule face down so he don't notice me through the mirror. He smelled like tea. What the actual hell? Did he spray Lipton tea as a perfume? I shook my head and shooed the weird thoughts away.

I brought my mouth to his ear,
whispering "Hey,Lou.."

As a matter of fact,he was shocked because he gasped and dropped his books that he was holding. He turned around to face the idiot that scared him and he was double shocked to see it was me. I can see it from his face.

"What the fuck,Haz?!" Louis puffed.

I bend down and took the books he dropped,which was Chemistry and Bio exercise books,and handed them to him with my sweetest smile I can manage.

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