Chapter 3

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Well here we are at Chapter 3 !

It's May 31 2016 m8s.


Narrator's PoV

Finally.He came out of the office with his timetable in hand.He begin looking through all the subjects listed."Well,it started with a very boring one today..." he huffed.Out of a sudden,a voice called


Louis startled and let out a long breath when he saw who it is.

"What the hell,Liam?"

Liam chuckled."Relax.Its just me."He took a look at the timetable in Louis' hand."What are you having now?"Louis gripped his bag firmer."Eh.History.What a waaaaaay to start the daaaaaay." Louis said dragging the a.

Liam chuckled again."Well too bad I'm having Physics but I'll be happy to show you around?"

Louis patted Liam's broad shoulder in satisfaction.With a smile,he said "Thanks dude.You're one big help today."

And so Liam showed him what's there to show like the gym,the cafeteria,the classes etc.Louis just nodded at everything Liam said although he was pretty sure he won't actually remember all the locations.Louis can't help noticing that he seemed to be in a hurry.

"Liam,I think I'm fine now.Um,you have class isn't it?So.."

Liam rubbed the back of his neck and sigh "Yea Physics.Ok um I think I'll move." He turned around and walked about four steps before he turned back to face Louis.



"If you need anything,don't hesitate to find me."

Louis was surprised at what Liam just said .Louis thought that Liam was kind of annoyed of having a new kid just talking to him like they're friends.I mean,by the looks of Liam he must be pretty known here.Why not?He's hot.You don't need to be a girl to admit a guy is hot right?It's just... praising.

"Oh well.I've looked down on the first person I met today.That's a shame,Louis Tomlinson. He's nice." thought Louis.

"Okay Liam.Thanks again." Louis answered with a smile.

With that satisfying answer,Liam gave nodded his head and walked away....

Harry's PoV

As I was making my way to my first class,the wheels of my brain is moving.The dream flashed back to my mind. I've already memorized every detail in the dream because it's been repeated 4 fuckin times already. I remembered the unlucky guy who I shot without a reason to.

Who was that guy? I never got close enough to see his face before or after getting shot. I have no idea what's his name,where he's from,who he's related to or why I shot him. I shot him...The gun was in my hand. The whole 4 times I dreamt of it,it always started with me aiming at that same innocent guy but the ending was different each time. I know it's just a nightmare and I shouldn't be so serious about it but it's bugging my beauty sleep,plus making me scared to fall asleep.

It's not that ghost-scary type but this was much worst. When you dreamt of a ghost,the moment you woke up you knew it's not real so it's nothing to worry about. But this is something that can happen in real life.I would NEVER shoot anyone,let alone a stranger that does nothing to hurt me. Yeah,maybe I should forget about it.. like mum said.

But somehow,it felt so real....


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