Chapter 5

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I updated 2 chapters in 1 day! Wow! Well no one's reading what I wrote anyway. *Sigh*



I am so relieved Bio ended.It's not that I don't like Bio but I'm just starving.Well I hoped the cafeteria food here is digestible not like my previous school's.Oh god..Just reminding myself of the porridge they made suffocated me.It's not just the taste that's horrible,but the smell too.Blurgh... Since the bell rang a few minutes ago,I made myself ready to face everybody in the cafeteria.I fixed my hair and all.Nothing to fix at my hair actually.I just made it looked more messy.When I convinced myself that i looked great,I made way to the cafeteria and that's when I saw Niall.


Is that Louis? I mean,I saw him from far but I'm not sure it was him.As he got closer I thought he'll greet me but he didn't. He just walked past me. Past my table.He probably didn't notice me... I watched him bought some food and he looked around for a spot to sit.I can't just leave him there gawking with a tray,feeling lost.

He's so cute with that lost face.

I chuckled to myself and got myself up.I made my way to him and he smiled when he noticed me approaching him.


"C'mon." I grabbed him by the shoulder with my arms and nudged him to my table.

"You'll sit with me." I said,before he can open his mouth and question me.
He looked surprised though."With your friends?" He asked me.

"Well no.My enemies."

He laughed at the remark I made.God,he is cute.

"What a weird school this is." He said,still smiling. "Aye mate.Welcome to Miller High." I responded.

We reached my table and I announced "Guys.This is my new mate,Lo.."

"Louis Tomlinson."Liam finished for me.

Well that's weird.I turned my face to Louis."You knew them?"
"Uh no.I only knew Liam." Louis said and gave a smile to Liam and Liam returned it. I don't..know why..but I felt..upset. I thought I'm the first that met Louis...


Well that's easier than I thought.I dont need to approach them myself.I was just getting happy to see two familiar faces when I realised Niall was suddenly..Um..Upset? He just looked kinda down. "Niall?" I asked. Niall seemed to have wondered somewhere coz he didn't respond.Not until Liam fake coughed.He kind of stuttered his words out when he spoke.

"Oh um so..Louis.Yeah this is Liam as you know."

Yes.He's hiding something.I don't know what but I'm sure he is.He's trying to act like nothing just happened. Niall pointed to the guy beside Liam.

"That's Zayn Malik.Zayn,Louis."

I gave a small wave and he nodded in response.Zayn looked like a cool guy I can hang out with.Niall continued.This time he pointed to the guy at the end of the table,beside Zayn.

"That's Harry Styles."

He got this unruly curly hair but fitted him perfectly. He's looked quite young than the others though.

"Hi Harry."

He looked at me and raised one of his eyebrows. "Louis."

That sounded freaking intimidating and I don't know why.

"Softer on the 'S' " I said,finally putting my tray on the table and sat beside Niall.

That curly haired guy (What?Oh Harry) seemed to smiled at himself and I looked at him. "What?" I questioned.

"Nothing,Lewie.Mind your own business." He snapped.

Ok now I'm annoyed.I didn't even do anything that intimidated him.I'm like trying to be nice to everyone here and he is like so .. urgh. I glared at him and I badly wanted to look in those eyes of his so he knew I'm threatening him not to challenge me but he won't get those damn black glasses off.So I don't know if he saw my glare or not.

'Oh and this is Ed." Niall gestured to the guy beside him.

Ed smiled at me in a friendly manner and led his right hand out to me. "Nice to meet you Louis." I smiled appreciatively back at him and shook his hand."You too Ed."

After the introducing session,I finally got my hands on the fries I bought earlier. It got warm already.Why am I so hungry? I got breakfast today.

We had like a minute of awkward silence and Niall broke it."So..Louis? How'd you met Liam?"

"You asked me that instead of asking why I moved here?"

"Ya seriously Niall." Ed shook his head.

"Well I wanna know both." Niall declared.

"Just eat.I'll explain in the shortest way I can." Liam said to me. I smiled at him, a sign of Thank you.

"This kid just came up to me with that I-don't-give-a-shit face and asked me where's the office."

Zayn.Ed and Niall laughed.Is that even funny?

"You seriously went to Liam and straight  asked about the office not bothering to care the possibilities he could shove you against the locker or something?" Ed asked me,wide eyed.

"Well yah.I didn't actually saw his face at first coz he's looking the other way."

"You brave ass kid." Zayn said,finally giving me a smile.

Liam scoffed. "Do I really looked like I will murder anyone who came to me?"

"Yeah." Zayn and Niall said at once,then they laughed.

I accidentally made eye contact with Harry while chuckling to myself.I don't know wether it's an eye contact or not coz he won't get that damn glasses off but his head was in my direction. He didn't seem to join the chat and I don't want him to feel left out because of me(A new student) so I asked "You alright Harry?"

He was still staring at me.

Comments please? I don't care about votes I just need to know your opinions.

P.s : Sorry for grammar errors.

Thanks for reading muahhhhhh!

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