Chapter 29

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Harry's PoV

I woke up at noon and dragged myself to the bathroom to give myself a shower. I smelled awful. Smelled like beer and sweat,but not my own. Yawning,I stripped my clothes and brought my bare body under the shower,rinsing my sleepy face and washing every single part of my body that doesn't smell like me. Using my Aloevera shampoo,I scrubbed my hair which seemed greasier than usual,massaging my forehead a bit. I'm tired as hell. I feel like I can jump back onto my bed after this shower and continue my sleep till tommorow...

After wiping my body clean and got some clean clothes on,I walked downstairs and to the kitchen. I heated my KFC chicken that I didn't eat yesterday in the microwave along with the fries,yawning while waiting for the timer to ding. Life is so boring on Sundays.. especially when your parents are not home. I enjoyed it really.

I called Niall and explained everything he wanted to hear about yesterday,including the part Louis was mumbling my name in his sleep in the car on the way to his house. It's weird to be right there,listening to someone that's definitely dreaming about you. Weird but flustered at the same time.

I think I like drunk Louis.

I watched a few TV shows and fell asleep on the couch. I don't know how long I slept because I don't keep track of the time. All I know was Mum woke me up in the middle of the night with Robin beside her with his white long sleeved shirt crumpled and tie undone.

"Harry,why are you sleeping here?" Mum asked me.

"I fell asleep. Sorry." I said and watched Robin off the TV.

"I think it's because you're exhausted. Why don't you rest more? Please,Harry. Take care of your health. Rest is important for teenagers like you." Mum sighed,wiping some of the sweat from my forehead with her palm.

"I rested! Trust me, I already took my sweet time sleeping. I woke up late today,like almost 1 in the afternoon. I thought that was way enough time for resting." I said.

" Maybe - "

"Mum." I stopped her. "You do realize that you need your rest too right? You need it more than me! You sleep less than 8 hours a day and my teacher said that's unhealthy. Your body weakens everyday and exhaustion takes over. I... Mum. I don't want to lose you yet."

She smiled weakly at me. "You won't lose me,Harry. At least,not for another 15 to 20 years. I keep a balance diet. I am taking good care of myself."

"You're not going to convince me to believe that is enough,do you?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

I turn my gaze to Robin next. "You too,Robin. Dad...whatever. I think you both need a rest from work. A long one. All you two ever done for fun is...what? Cooked a meal together? Like how is that even fun anymore? I don't mean to sound mean because I know it's fun for a couple that obviously love each other and - "

"Yes,Harry." Robin interrupted. "I think so too. I thought of it more than you,trust me but right now it's.. It's late. Can we talk about this tommorow?"

I got up and sighed. "I would say yes but I know you won't even have the time to talk to me. Even Mum. Goodnight. Enjoy your sleep."

I ran upstairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. Is it too much to wish for some time with my family? Is that so much to ask? I slammed down on the bed in anger and pulled the covers up to my chin,closing my eyes. I forced myself to sleep.


"Hey,what's up earth people? " I greeted as I sat down on one of the bench beside Louis.

We were all at the back lawn of the school,where there is limited benches and seats. This is the most comfortable place to hang out at,in this school. It's always windy and we almost never sweat at all back here. It's shady,big old trees protecting the place from sunlight. I almost forgot the place existed since Louis existed. But thanks to Cara,her text saying they were refreshes back my memory.

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