Chapter 18

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Thank you to tommo_2412 for commenting! 👏
This chapter is in dialogue version.
Hope you all will like it.

{PART 1}

(THE GUEST ROOM/10.27p.m)

Louis: "Goodnight,baby." (Continues using phone)

Harry: "Excuse me?" (Sitting up,looking at Louis)

Louis: "Hmm?"

Harry: "What did you say?"

Louis: "C'mon,I know you heard me."

Harry: "Yes I did but I'm asking you to repeat it."

Louis: "Because you like it?"

Harry: "No,because I don't think I really heard what you said."

Louis: "What do heard me saying?"

Harry: "Don't make me say it. I asked you first."

Louis: "It's not a big deal so go to sleep."

Harry: "You're so.... ugh!" (Snatched Louis' phone away)

Louis: "What the hell,Harry?" (Tried snatching the phone back but Harry hid it behind his back)

Harry: "Now repeat it so I can go back to sleep soundly."

Louis: "Stop being a child." (Goes for the phone again,failed)

Harry: "You sure don't want your phone back,do you?"

Louis: "Harry!"

Harry: "Now I own 2 iPhone models. Lucky me."

Louis: "Give it back you brat!"

Harry: "A handsome brat,at that."

Louis: (flushed) C'mon,Harry. (Led out hand)

Harry: "You're just so stubborn." (Stands up and walks to the door)

Louis: (chased after Harry,pulling his shirt) "Hand over my phone.Now."

Harry: "Fulfill my request and I'll gladly fulfill yours in return."

Louis: (Hand's still gripping Harry's shirt) "So if I repeat what I said,you will kiss me?"

Harry: "Wait..w-what? (Blushed)

Louis: "You said if I fulfill your - "

Harry: "No,I know! But we both know your request was you wanted your phone back."

Louis: "Yeah,wanted. Note that past tense."

Harry: "I meant want."

Louis: "I demand a request change."

Harry: "You can't just do that!"

Louis: "But I just did."

Harry: "I didn't confirm it."

Louis: "You don't have to. I'm the king here."

Harry: "Who made you king?" (Snickered)

Louis: "Louis Tomlinson."

Harry: "Who is that? A stunning,stuck up 18 year old?"

Louis: (raised an eyebrow to Harry) "Woah. You think I'm stunning?"

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