Chapter 25

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I woke up feeling slightly dizzy and my head's pounding. I've been coughing since morning and now my nose is runny. Argh,I hate runny nose. I sniffed a few times before I stood up with the blankets wrapped around me.

Someone's at the door and I have to open it,maybe it's someone important. Maybe it's the neighbors or one of my mum's colleagues,ehh I don't know. I opened the front door with my right hand while the other kept the blankets in place so it remained wrapped around my body.

"H-Harry?" My voice came out more like a hoarse whisper.

"Are you okay? I mean,I heard that you're sick but..... fuck that's a stupid question."

I laughed a bit (which sounded horrible with my weak voice) before coughing and I sniffled.

"Come in,you brat."

Harry smiled and stepped into my house,closing the door behind him and engulfing me into a hug. I was surprised and accidentally dropped the blanket to the floor but then I returned his hug,wrapping my hands behind his neck. God,he's tall.

"Why the hug?" I whispered to him since I'll end up coughing if I tried to talk normally.

He just hugged me tighter around my waist,resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I don't know. I kinda miss you and oh god Lou,you're so warm."

He pulled me off him,looking at me concerned. "Have you taken any pills yet? Wait,did you even go to the clinic?"


He bent down and took hold of my blanket,wrapping it back around me. "Why didn't your mum-"

"She doesn't know. I told her I'll be a bit late to school so she went off to work and don't ask me why I didn't tell her. Please."

"Okay so,what did you do just now? Did you have breakfast?"

"No. I was just lying down on the sofa,watched some cartoons -"

"You're meaning to tell me that you have nothing in your stomach right now,you're weak and you're doing nothing about it?" Harry interrupted.

"I can't do anything,Haz. Even talking to you right now took a lot of effort."

"Right..I'm sorry."

He helped me to lie back down in the sofa and he turned off the television. I snuggled tighter in my blankets.

"Why did you turned it off?"

"Because my mum said the light that comes from the TV is not good for your eyes,especially when you're sick babe."

My eyes that was beginning to drop fluttered back open when I heard the last word he said.

BABE. Babe is baby in short form,isn't it?So he called me baby. But he said 'babe'. Does it even make a fuckin' difference? Louis,your head is pretty messed up right now. He probably didnt even say that word!

When I snapped back to reality,I realised Harry's in the kitchen because of the sound of metal clanking. I think he's searching for the pan or the spatula. What the hell's he even doing?

"What are you doing?" I tried raising my voice a bit but only resulted in coughing.

"Don't talk. I'm taking you to the clinic after I make you something to eat." He replied back from the kitchen.

"You didn't even ask for my permission to use the kitchen."

"Can I use the kitchen,Mr Tomlinson?"

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