Chapter 7

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Hi guys! I'm sorry I didn't update for like a week I've been busy with school works and stuff. So I made this Chapter quite long to make it up to you guys. Thank you to whoever's reading my fanfic. I know it absolutely suck I'm sorry for that.*sigh*

I hope whoever that saved this story in their library goes through happiness in life every single day and dont forget you're all beautiful in your own ways! Excuse my ramblings here we gooo!


Louis POV

"Did you just smothered yourself in strawberries this morning?"

Even though I'm not looking at him I can feel that he's looking at me.I purposely asked that.It just felt good to tease a junior.Hehe.

"Huh?" He asked,confused.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

"I do but...hey Tommo! Look at me."

I bit my lip to avoid breaking down into shameless giggles and turned my face to his.His arm's still around my shoulder and our feet kept walking forward to class. I have no idea where class was so I just followed wherever he's going.

"What do you mean did I just smothered myself in strawberries this morning?"

I can only see his eyebrows rising up in confusion.His black glasses were still on.

"Have you ever wondered how you smelled like?"

That sounded weird,I know but oh well my mouth says involuntary stuff sometimes.It took him a few moments to process what I said.

"Ohh......." he let out.

I can't help it. I laughed at him. I thought he could've understand what I'm trying to say about 5 minutes ago.

"Took you long enough.."

I said that after setting down my laugh.

"It's not that I don't get what you're saying." He muttered,clearly annoyed.

"Dumbass." I whispered to myself.
Harry must've heard it because he smacked the side of my head quite harshly.

"Ow fuck." I gently rubbed the left side of my head. It hurts,fuck. This kid's got quite the strength. I glared at him and he snickered.

"Did I hurt you,princess?"

Ignoring the fact he nicknamed me again,though I know this one's not permanent,I smacked him back but at his right arm. I thought it didn't hurt but he hissed. He took a look at his arm and exhaled. I thought he was gonna curse or something but he didn't . He kept quiet all the way to class.

Is he mad at me? I didn't freaking started it first.HE DID. This is why I can't handle being a new student. At first they're all nice but after they realised I'm weird and annoying they'll stay away. Argh! It's my fault. I shouldn't got my hopes so high about having friends .'s not my fault! He's 16 ! That's why he's a bit sensitive. He's still a bit immature.

Harry lead me to a class and the door clearly wrote Literature. Our teacher arrived not long after and I was forced to introduce myself again in front since the teacher noticed that I'm a new face. The teacher who was Mr Murs (written on his nametag) he asked me my name and where I came from and shooed me away gently.

"Okay lad.Pick your seat.We have some studying to do."

I smiled at Mr Murs and nodded. Well I wanted to sit with Harry because he said he'll help me with Literature but since he's mad I gotta rethink about it. Harry's not even looking at me.He's playing with his pen. Should I just sit there at the empty spot beside him?

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