Chapter 21

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Harry's Pov

Go out with me? Does he personally mean like a date? Is he asking me out? Is he really for real?

"N-not like a date if you're not comfortable with that. Just a mate date get it?" He quickly said as if he could read my mind.

"I'm busy."

I moved my hands to pull the window switch up so it close and I don't have to deal with this but Louis reached in and hold my hand in place,in his hand. Automatically my heart react to the action,beating fast and I can already feel sweat forming behind my neck. He's holding my hand. Harry,pull away!


I raised my face up and I struggled to keep a stern expression while watching his soft face and mesmerizing blue eyes in my direction.

"I'm busy." I repeated against my will.

I really really do want to go out with him,anything just to spend a minute with him but he can't do this to me. It's like being too easy for him to win me over.

"Busy with what?" He questioned.

"Stuff that's none of your business."

I pulled my hand from his grasp unwillingly and placed them on the steering wheel instead,setting my gaze straight ahead. He sighed and moved forward,his head now in my car.

"Stuff like what?"

"Stuff like you do! Stuff like going to school and study! Happy now?"

"We can go in the afternoon."

"I nap the moment I reach home when school ends." I said firmly.

"Night then."

"Homework,then I go to sleep. Sorry,tight schedule."

I pushed the handbrakes down,shifting the gear and said "You might want to take a few steps back" and when he does,I drove away without a goodbye.


I thought I'll eventually talk to him after a day or two but it turned out,I didn't talk to him for the next nine days. I don't know how I survived it,how I survived not hearing his voice talking to me but I did.

Am i still mad at him? I don't know.

Why was I mad at him? Because the fact he don't let me bring up Eleanor in the conversation we had that day.

I mean,who does he think she is? She's not a god. I can bring her up into any conversation anytime I want to. With or without Louis' permission.

Niall noticed the barrier between us both and as a caring friend he is,he asked me what's wrong. Of course I told him nothing's wrong and he pointed out "But I never see you sitting with Louis at the cafeteria for a few days." He noticed the smallest thing,I swear. How can he even say he don't do Sherlock stuff? Not even Zayn and Liam notice the tenseness going on. They were both talking and joking as usual in the cafeteria.

Ed's been busy with basketball stuff,practically having practice every second of his life he didn't even get to sit and have a sandwich with us. He's not pushing us away though. If he bumped into any of us,he'll apologize for not having the time for us and we dismissed it. We don't need no apology.

His life is quiet hectic,I should say. At school,studies and basketball. When school ends,music classes. Yeah note that,classes. He probably took 2-3 classes a day and I don't see him getting sick of it any sooner. I don't blame him for wasting his time on those classes anyway because to him it's no waste. He's really passionate about music and he'll do anything to learn more,even if it's sacrificing his resting time.

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