Chapter 12

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I changed the book cover ! 🙌




I answered without a glance back and I slammed close the gym door.They better not be chasing after me. As I made my way to my car,I saw the car in my usual parking spot was still there and I muttered curses to the owner of it for making me walked further than usual today. I unlocked my car,got in,turned on the ignition and closed the door gently.

I can't risk damaging anything since mum trusted me with it. This is the most valuable item I have for now. It took a hell lot of convincing to make my mum trust me driving it,to and back from school since I'm only 16.

Gemma helped me with the convincing though. It's impossible to get this car if only I did the convincing. I even learned how to drive from Gemma. I remembered Gemma apologizing for not having time to buy any presents for my birthday on my birthday itself and she cried.

She felt so guilty and I had to hug her and tell her it's fine because I'm used to people forgetting about it but that made her cried even more. She told me she never forgot the date,not even a second but she got caught up with studies,exams and assignments. She said she's always telling herself to buy them the next day but she never did and she felt like a cruel sister for not having anything to gift me on my 16th birthday.

And the lightbulb appeared on my head. *Finger snapped*

I told Gemma I know what I wanted for my birthday and what I need was only her confirmation and agreement on it. She said 'Anything Harry,anything.' I happily told her I wanted her to teach me driving and I was glad she nodded straightaway.

We spent every evening for less than 10 days on me learning how to drive and it went secretly,without my mother's knowledge until the day that convincing from Gemma was needed to get me a car.

Mum literally made me showed her that I can really drive so she and I went on a quick round around the neighborhood. She sat on the passenger side,watching every inch of my movement and I got really nervous but I was determined to show her I can really do it.

When we finished the round,she said it's good that I'm growing up and she should start trusting me with stuffs. That's how I got the car. It's hers before but she gave it to me and Robin bought her a new one.

I wished Gemma's here. I've got no one to spill my problems and complications on.. Whatever. Harry,focus more on the driving.

Oh yeah.. I needed an alarm clock. Might as well buy it on the way.

I parked my car and went into a small store. I found many types of clocks but I don't actually mind how it looked like. It's just staying in my room after all. I settled on a normal green square-shaped alarm clock. I wanted to take the circular one but I realized it'll be easier for it to topple to the floor so..

I walked casually to the counter and placed the alarm clock down,taking out my purse. The cashier,whose name is Lina(nametag reference) stopped whatever she was doing on her phone,put it inside the locker and stood up to tag my stuff.

"That'll be £5.30." she said,trying to make her voice as soft as possible with a flirtatious smile,batting her eyelashes.

Pfft. She actually thinks I didn't know she's fakeing her voice?! Usually I'll play along with it and flirt back,maybe get her number or her address but as I said earlier,I'm not in mood. So,wrong timing bitch. I kindly smiled at her and hand her a £10.

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