Chapter 28

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The picture on top is Harry Styles on October 6th at the launching of 'Another Man' magazine. His pictures in that mag is 😍😍😍 His haircut is perfection👌

New book cover BTW !


Louis' PoV

"Too late baby,too late. Just now I wanted your attention but now I want you." I whispered to Harry's ear,purposely letting my breathe fan his ear.

He shuddered and I smirked,running my nose and lips slowly down his ear and neck,hoping he'll give up and let me have my ways with him. No,I don't mean those things although I want to. It's too early for him. All I want now is perhaps,some kisses? He's been making me crazy since the day I saw him shirtless with unzipped jeans in the locker room. He made me want to shove him against the wall and kiss him while running my hand down his chest which I think is not a good thought towards a 16 year old.

Dont blame me.

Blame my hormonal needs.

Blame him for stealing my attention.

"My god,Louis. You're so needy." He muttered and continued writing,trying to ignore me.

"But you like this as much as I do,isn't it?" I asked.

He turned around to face me and I quickly moved forward to catch his lips on mine and he gasped out loud,probably surprised at my sudden attack. The sound of his gasp made me feel turned on and it took me all my patience to not grab him and throw him on the bed. I need to learn to control. But it's not my fault he's hot at this young age.

The kiss didn't involve any tongue action. Just the movement of my rough lips against his soft,pink ones. His addictive lips on mine is the best thing I will ever feel.

"Stop doing that." Harry said against my moving lips.

"Doing what?" I asked,lips still connected to his.

He pulled away,saying "Stop stealing kisses. We should it properly!"

"Okay baby. Define properly?"

"I mean,we should do it together. It's always you doing all the... movements." He blushed,looking at me hoping I understand what he's trying to say.

"I don't get it. What movements?" I pretended to be lost.

"It's when your against mine but I didn't move mine..... Nevermind.Forget it." He sighed.

"No,no Haz. I understand. Okay,alright. We'll do it properly then,love."

"I don't know how? It's okay,just forget it."

He started to turn around and continue with his work but I was quick to grab both his hands in mine and pulled him forward so we're facing each other. He looked down at our hands and huffed,defeated.

"All you have to do is follow my lead. There's absolutely no one else here to witness what we are doing so don't be embarrassed if you think you don't do it right." I said,smiling.

"But you'll know."

"Yes,and only I will know."

I pulled him more closer and leaned forward,brushing my lips against his and not going forward for the kiss yet. Kissing is something that needs to be from both person. Not just me...and the only way to make him confident enough to kiss me himself is to make him want the kiss.

I lightly moved my lips,feeling and hearing every breath he took. I closed my eyes that was focusing on his lips earlier,waiting for him to move forward. It's okay. He can take all the time he wants to feel it,I can wait because honestly,he's mine right now.

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