Chapter 13

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That fondness though... *faints*


Louis PoV

"E-Eleanor?" I choked out.

Her surprised expression changed into a very very happy one. She was literally smiling with her mouth open.

"Do my eyes deceived me? I need a...I think I need a pinch."

"I'll slap you if you really need it. I'm real,El!" I can feel the ridiculous grin growing on my face but I can't stop it.

After hearing my words,she squealed and pulled me into a very tight hug. I hugged her back,smiling. I can smell her perfume and her hair wash at the same time and guess what? It's still the same. She's still using her same favourite brand for the past 4 years!

Oh my god,how much I missed her.

Eleanor and I were friends,in fact very close friends starting when I was about 10 years old. When I first moved,she was my first friend. She was my neighbour. That one day I saw her playing alone in her backyard was the day we became friends. I approached her that day.

We became closer because I went to the same school as hers. But sadly,she moved away when I was 12,telling me her parents got a bigger job somewhere just 3 days before she moved.I feared I'll never see her again. I was heartbroken. I cried the first few days she moved away and mum comforted me until my tears dried up. And here she is now!

I heard her exhaled loudly before letting me out of her grip. "What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story,El.."

I bit my lip,remembering the reason why was I here. I have A LOT to tell her and I dont think now is a perfect timing. Harry cleared his throat loudly,making Eleanor and I glanced at him spontaneously.

"El,I would love to catch up with you but I'm late for class."

"Ya! Me too! I'll see you around!!" She gripped her books to her chest and walked to her class. I ignored Harry and shouldered past him to Literature class. I don't want to sit with him. I hope Zayn saved me a sit.


Great. Zayn actually didn't saved me a sit. He's sitting with a gorgeous blonde headed girl and I guessed,he's flirting with her by the way he smiled at her.

I found an empty sit at the back of the class so I placed my bag and sat down. I was getting myself comfortable when I saw Harry came in and he saw me too.

Oh shit. Don't tell me he'll sit here. No no no no no no...

Tough luck. He took the empty sit beside me,saying "Tsk tsk,Louis. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."

Lucky for him Mr Murs came in or I could've grab him by the collar and throw him down on the floor. Well..that's what I'm thinking of doing.

Yesterday,he was being silly with me on one moment and all serious the next. I was almost worried he left like that,mad-looking. I got a feeling something was wrong with him so I texted him. I need to know how he's doing but he didn't even reply once! I felt stupid. I felt like he got the attention he wanted. Now here he is,talking to me like nothing happened.

Once again,we hear the wonderful lecture,the crafted speech given by Mr Murs along with his weird hand gestures. I simply ignored whatever he was explaining and put on my earphones. Mr Murs' not going to notice me anyway. I'm sitting at the back of the class!

I avoided myself from bobbing my heard to the music or else it'll be so obvious. I admitted this. I'm stealing glances at Harry BUT only because he stole glances at me too.

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